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Posts posted by luzt

  1. I agree too, Raids especially were always my favorite content.


    But I feel there is a need to talk about another underlying issue of raids, aside from the previously mentioned performance issues.


    It's not that accessible to all players, you need a group of 12 ppl and then some time in the week to progress in the raid.

    So in my opinion the only reasonable way to return raids to the game is by leaving out any progression based rewards (like weapon mat/ss..etc)

    And replacing those with rewards that arent necessary for progression, like mainly cosmetic stuff (outfit,weapon skin + maybe some new stuff like emotes or dances lol) while still keeping the quest gold reward and gold chest to give a decent incentive (should be double of serpent den's raid)


    This way people won't bump into a wall progression wise, solely because they can't raid. While still making the people who can do the raid feel a bit exclusive just cosmetically.


    What do you think?

  2. Hey NCsoft,

    (not sure if correct place)


    The new prime-gaming code that should give the "Ultimate Style Bundle" was invalid when I tried to apply it.

    Furthermore, another person I spoke had the same issue.

    So I believe something is wrong with it.


    I hope you can resolve the issue, thanks in advance.

  3. NCsoft,

    missing a good opportunity with this, but hopefully you guys can improve it in the future.


    Add more special rewards to the premium version, some exclusive pay-to-win items.

    -Like for example legendary etching stones with pre-defined or selectable stats when compounding.

    -Not just 1 outfit, add multiple vanity items, weapon skins / can even recolor some of the existing ones or invent new stuff - like emotes,idle-poses,dances

    -HM coins - so you feel even more incentivized to complete it


  4. I think the nerf was specifically made for our regions client, now that we got a newer patch, it wasn't included.


    Because it's kinda ironic in a bad way, that we got better gear, so do more dmg, yet everything has 20% more HP  which makes it take longer than before..

  5. I wanted to express my frustration too.


    Koldrak is probably the worst content in the game, the performance is crap, the fight is boring and it messes up the entire server.


    Can you just, please contact our KR overlords and tell them we want something to replace Koldrak.

    It really doesn't give a good impression to new or returning players when they have to experience this horrible content with all its flaws.


    • Like 1
  6. On 1/20/2022 at 1:36 AM, Iconic Stuff said:

    Holy, you guys just assume everyone is cheating just because you are unable to do it yourself. Its literally impossible to bot AD for xp because they are doing such a high floor. You would literally die if you tried to bot it.

    Yeah right, people I know who are lazy af, were doing it 24/7. I did the Aero daily 8 times a day and I still saw them dying in the lobby at 5 AM when they were sleeping or at 8pm, didnt matter the time of the day, they were there botting. Some classes have an easy time surviving, although ofcourse some did it legit, by hand, manually. Respect to those


    Also doesnt matter if you die, you dont lose XP from that, as long as you kill a bunch, you are gaining.

    Maybe you are on the NA server, because if you just waited 3min in EU aerodrome lobby, your entire chat would be filled with -- xxxxxx has died.

    • Like 1
  7. Before todays patch, the highest density of players could be found in the following places:


    Moonwater plains > Mushin Tower

    Solak > Ajanara Monastery

    Solak > Emperor's Tomb

    Silverfrost Mountains > Twisted Serpent Stronghold

    Divine Realm > Savan Village - infront of Forest of Echoes

    F8 Aerodrome Dungeon Lobby


    After Patch:

    Silverfrost Mountains > Northreach




    • Like 2
  8. Thanks for the consideration.

    But honestly you saying to STOP PLAYING or a Loading screen that says to use LMB when your hands get tired isn't gonna affect anyone.


    This is so insignificant and you're basically crying about semantics here

    Even if you technically have a point, I much rather have them use their resources on more pressing matters.


  9. Nah, you dont need to get used to it. It has only happened very rarely.


    NCwest can only change things in F10 since its some web-based stuff.

    All the actual game related issues NCsoft KR has to fix (and they were also the creators of the issues in the first place)


    I know I wouldn't like it to get shitted on by customers because the higher ups provided me with some janky products,

    But it is time that @Hime finally lets us hear something about acknowledging the issues and contacting Korea to fix it again.




    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Troubling Rain said:

    Like for example the TC HM Cheat Engine solo farming. At that point you might as well just ask NCSOFT to put the loot in your inventory automatically every 3-5 minutes (idk how long it takes to do with CE), you really fine with that?

    After running it 300 times, yes.

    The fun is already gone after the 100th run (probably earlier)

    Now they made pink scale farming around 40% slower

  11. Hello NcWest,

    Thanks for the well-done update, its went smooth for the majority.


    Anyway I want to direct your attention to the following:


    The Call to Arms Thornbreaker weapon stage 3 to 4 (and assume till stage 9)

    Requires Premium Transformation Stones  - and as far as I know we are getting premium transformation crystals from the call to arms chest.

    Or else that would be hella generous of you haha..


    During previous call to arms, you did have this changed accordinly, but this time around it didnt happen.

    I will guarantee you, alot of people will bump into this issue.


    So I wanted you to be aware of it,

    Thanks for reading!




  12. true true, in the past I also missed some of the outfits in those boxes, because I wasnt lucky to get it while others got it from their first box.

    And me buying the box every day for the duration of the event and not getting it. Not a good system in my opinion, its just RNG - so you either get lucky or don't get it.


    Solution ~ add another currency to the 1 ncoin box which you can exchange for the outfit in the box (+some other stuff for people that got lucky)

  13. Hello NCsoft,

    Just finished failing 10 times or something on my new raid badge, so now the pity meter is at 100% while its still stage 0 lol.

    And I spent like 25k gold on buying the 70-ish Etherial Vials, which is like 50 dollar/euro whatever with current gold prices.

    Thanks for adding more RNG upgrades to the game, really enjoying them 🤣🤣😂 No, seriously you should get rid of this ridiculuous system.


    Anyway can you add more ways to actually obtain these items or are the weekly raidbosses and HM dungeons

    (which both have terrible drop rates) the only options you're gonna give us?


    Add them to Event tab in dragon express, add them to weekly honing oil shop and add a transmute recipe.

    We need thousands of them for the elusive unity stones and we don't got a guaranteed way to get them,

    unlike your favorite Sacred Vials that you guys love so much over there.


    And don't come with another 10k Ncoin bundle containing them as your solution.

    Stop squeezing every penny out of the playerbase and start creating a better reputation so you reach a bigger audience with the UE4 update.

    Look and learn from Pso2 and their way of supporting the playerbase for the incoming NGS update in June.

    Thats how you could create organic growth and start a better future for BnS.


    Thanks for reading

  14. I have a reasonable solution taken from Pso2.

    When you are max level there you still can earn EXP,

    And when the EXP bar fills up you get class-excubes.


    So I guess they could do something similair and give us a purple or legendary unity stone box (depending on the exp required ofcourse) 🤔

  15. Sadly, the previous versions were alot better in my opinion.

    The rewards are only slightly better this time, but the grind has been increased alot.

    You need a total of 4400 Martial Remnants, I only can get +100 with some effort a day on my alt that needs the Call to Arms Gear

    And you need 400 for 1 key, my friend grinds 200 a day, but he's putting in ALOT of time.


    The previous call to arms events you were almost guaranteed to open 1 chest a day with average effort.

    Ofcourse the last one was with Astro release and the nerfed dungeons made it a pleasant experience.

    So now you kinda need carries for the Nocturnal Scale / Elder scale dungeons to do it efficiently.

    Though, since the event is happening together with the release of the new raid and a new weekly dungeon (that you can do 4x a week)

    I dont really got time to spend all my time grinding for Martial Remnants.


    It's nice that you don't need to do specific content anymore, but all-in-all it requires more time and effort now.

    So if they lowered the cost for 1 Key it would be perfect or even a cost that starts low at the earlier Keys and gradually becomes higher

    makes more sense.


  16. Agreed with the OP

    It took me till yesterday to get 3 items to Mythical level since it was released without pvp'ing and I even bought 25 Fusion stones from the Cash shop.

    I am auto-farming Primweald every night and when I'm at work and I havent started upgrading all the items to decent levels yet..

    Please change the system or add several new ways of obtaining fusion stones!

  17. Its funny that they zoomed in on the Party hat and then used it in all their banners.


    I did find 2 turtles in Moon Refugee, one with a party hat and another one with balloons.

    Don't know if they forgot to remove this from last year or it was actually re-added this patch.


    My clan always takes an annual clan picture infront of the anniversairy decoration,

    but I can add that with photoshop this year. I am just very surprised they didn't

    add anything 5th anniversairy related as decoration in game this time around.


    Can't a GM answer this rather low hanging fruit question?

    Obviously you would have to ask the developers if anything was added


  18. Hello NCsoft and/or Players,

    I am wondering if there is any area/map that has any 5th Anniversairy decoration,

    like we've had the past years? Since I can't find any.

    (I checked Zaiwei main area near House of pleasures, Zawai Main courtyard, Mushin Tower, Jadestone Village)

    Or didn't you add anything for this year?


    Thanks in advance


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