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Posts posted by Shirafune

  1. I would love to have some achievement for a guaranteed reward. Not too easy to achieve, so ppl don't abuse it with their low gear alts.
    I finally got lucky and dropped my 3 pieces, but the struggle was hard and I had really, really bad RNG. I got my first earring withing 60 runs, then 8 more earrings and my first neck when I was close to 500 runs. At almost 550+ I dropped my first ring. Most of my runs were done at Stage 41, I even tried to farm Stage 20 for the ring but the leggy droprate was simply non-existent. My motivation to even play the game went to almost zero, and thinking about dropping like 10 belts in a row in the next dungeon gives me nightmares already. xD

  2. On 11/21/2021 at 9:08 PM, ßIÖHÄZÄRD said:

    This dungeon doesn't need an HP NERF, it needs a drop chance BUFF, i've done more than 100 runs already and got nothing. This is a joke.


    I have done 450+ runs up to stage 45 and dropped 8 earrings but no other piece yet. I feel like I'm the most unlucky person on the server rn, not exaggerating. During all runs I've seen only one selection chest dropping for one of my mates, how about buffing the drop rate of this??

  3. Me too, like many others, have already finished Act 11 Part 1 on all my alts before the updated quest rewards. Now they're stuck on exalted/storm dragon. Sure the new rewards are great but since I still can't lfp dailies with them I have to give gold and mats from my main to upgrade the weapons on each character, 10 times total - that adds up to a few thousand gold pretty quickly. It's quite unfair to get punished like that for having finished the main story a while ago. Please make the updated rewards available from a vendor, I guess everybody would be fine with that.

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  4. 1 hour ago, SilverFoxR said:



    For the 2nd spec for Soul Fighter (Ice), one of the PvE weapon paths reduces the cooldown of Focus Chi by 30%. Using that and the Wingrise soul badge, you can have unlimited Focus Chi, meaning you can use Dragonfury, build stacks for Frost Storm. It's recommended for that spec to use that weapon path.


    ^ this. The raid weapon ONLY works with zenith soul badge for SF and even then you have to get 4 froststorm within a rotation or else raid weapon is worse than dungeon path. I still hope to get shadow fury equivalent pve weapon someday.

  5. Don't forget that the chest has an 18h cooldown, you usually open it up once a day and therefore have to start open it 11 days before the redemption period ends without missing a day. If they sold keys til last day, ppl will complain because the chest would antique before they reached last stage.

  6. 7 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


    Free to play don't need fishing for it, but fishing let us optimize our time and do the lamps at a decent rate.


    I would be more worried about the 5 MOTHER❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ING HOURS OF ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ COOLDOWN!!!!

    Which is absolutely pathetic...


    F2P non-premium NEED to fish for polishing cloths otherwise they can't open up 2 lamps a day. You can get 8 polishing cloths per day (6 from daily, 2 from log-in reward). The event lasts 35 days.

  7. On 10/4/2021 at 10:17 PM, Hungibungi said:

    Story gear will be adjusted (hopefuly) next maintenance (would make sense to adjust it right after C2A ends). Hime said that it is planned to change the story gear, but might not be in the next main.


    If the patch notes are correct they're giving Grand Celestial Soul Shields instead of Raven and some better gems. That's it, No better weapon, not even imperial set or better soul/heart. That's barely an upgrade at all and will still lock out alts and new players from dungeon lobby.

  8. This option is good for returning players though, who still have imperial cores. But why not adding dynamic quest loot back to old dungeons so new players can solo farm quick and easy without daily limitation. It's old content anyways and would serve for catch up purposes only.


    I have another little issue, where can I get the old psyches? I was unlucky with my ring and the crit stat didn't maxed out with the 5 psyches given from the event. The tool tip says I could buy them from mushin trader Kangcha but she doesn't have them, only newer ones from challenge mode. I also wanted to farm Amara psyches for my neck, but the boss doesn't drop anything. So the old crit/crit damage psyches aren't available at all in the game anymore?

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  9. Circle of sundering
    When entering the dungeon and starting the first boss everything works fine but if I die or escape and try again the boss attack patterns/indicators disappear from the floor. I have to completely leave the area and enter again to make them visible again. In my graphics settings I have monster's effects displaying and effect quality both on 3. This is extremely annoying when I can't see how far I need to sidestep certain attacks or when the little guy leaves his small bomb next to me and there's no visible red indicator on the floor. Please fix!

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