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this guy

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Posts posted by this guy

  1. Ok so I haven't played the game in the in couple months and I have come back and went reorganize my emails and changed the email and password and I get this error

    So I tried to contact the support and this is the answer I get

    So pretty much after years of playing the game the answer I get is we don't want to do nothing goodbye.
    @Green Storm can I get a real answer on this mater not just a bot??

  2. 41 minutes ago, Emperor Von Einzbern said:

    There's two way to get it:

    1- Doing dungeon Easy or Normal to get the box Sanctum Breakthrough Selection Chest from  Sandstorm Temple to Forest of Echoes

    2- Get 50 Sanctum Core and buy the box from Exchange Merchant Junsorei

    Small problem there is no discordia necklace in that box.
    And this is the answer I got from support
     Hi there,

    Thank you for contacting the Blade and Soul Support Team.

    We will forward your report to the development team so that they can investigate the issue. However, we may be unable to personally email you about the investigation but any major updates may be announced on our website and/or forums: https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/en/

    If you have any other details that may help with the investigation or if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.


    GM FraydJigen
    NCSOFT Support Team

  3. Yeah, that's happening only if you can play for hours and multiple characters, but if only can play for like 2 to 3 hours per day you will not be able to gather you are only able to get some items.
    For example me, I can play max 3 hours per day I don`t have time to do weekly/daily on other characters and I can barely afford to get the oils at the end of the week.
    And remove them from the daily dash that`s a big no.

  4. Is the new gold chest a joke, yes or no?
    What do you guys think?
    Because maybe I have bad rng 
    So I have opened over 30 chest and I got back 10g or 50g and sometime I get the 100g back and that is like 1 at 10 chest 
    This chest is worst then the 15g chest, which you got back 10g 
    I dont know if this is a joke or no but I got sick of this kind of things when the rng is bad like really bad.


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