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Solar Bloom

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  1. Hi, I would like to form a static Hard Mode group. Currently it's me and my wife, we are chilled and non-toxic, non-rage so we are looking same type of ppl. We can learn togeher all 4 HMs - since we got no one to play with on HMS - we do all NM in duo. Not interested in guilds - those are dramas only - been there, done that;/ We are online always from 6cest so we can manage the times after group is formed - it is not have to be every day - everyone has thier own life:) Our Profiles: http://eu-bns.ncsoft.com/ingame/bs/character/profile?c=Mesme http://eu-bns.ncsoft.com/ingame/bs/character/profile?c=Seven Degree Feel Free to PM me - I can even tank all of those - (yes, on archer) or on Discord - Seven Degree#4014 Cheers,
  2. Learn to read with understanding... "Several Easy Mode dungeon Bosses have had their “Berserk Rage” mechanics adjusted so that it does damage instead of instant-kill. Cathedra Cliffs - Ayanka Warped Citadel - Kangrim Brood Chamber – Nacha, Vetarex Dreamsong Theater – Mazuko" Do you see TSM adjustment? Previous post for Cyan: "We’re also verifying the adjustment to Dreamsong Theater and The Shadowmoor, and they will be changed as soon as we can confirm it: Dreamsong Theater – Mazuko: change “Berserk Rage” so that it does damage instead of instant-kill. The Shadowmoor – Mookwan: change so that the “Curse” debuff that is put on the furthest player does damage instead of instant-kill when the debuff timer runs out."
  3. Dear Community, Am insanely irritated and angry what happened since last week, therefore Im writing this as last resort to bring back BnS to healthy state. Too many slaps to players, too many lies an so on.. I ve played BnS a lot, with some breaks - I remember the 45lvl cap - golden times in the history of this game, but recent actions from NCW are beyond any measure... It appears that complaints and words do nothing so time for actions. What Im asking you is just simply stay away from the game for 48h. Lets all just log in today, do your crappy daily/weekly/whatever you are doing and just log off. I would like to encourage you to log off until 6am Cest at Thursday (26/09) and stay away until 6am at Saturday (28/09). I guess NCW has a traffic monitor, so they will see there is literally noone on the server. The point of such action is simply show, we won't be ATM machines and we want healthy game which is friendly to either whales and casuals. We want communication, proper events, rewarding system for doing something hard... In this state, the game will be closed in matter of months - so 48h are not relevant i believe. Do something else, play something else, do what your are passionate about, but forget about BnS for that time. After, you will have time to do your raids and stuff. eat Would be nice, if the NA Yura Server could be coordinated in that case within 48h time period - not necessarily same time as EU (but would be great), by someone relevant to the community... @Eckogen@keroppi@Jarke@EvilDoUsHarm ? I belive you guys share my point of view. They will hear us out, or just close down the server - which will eventually happen sooner or later with such management. Also, I believe that NA/EU community would like to have a contact with Korean devs responnisble for the game developement and update implementing, cause i do have enough of those NCW clowns and pawns... Thank you for at least reading that post. If you are with me, + below. With regards to the community and 0 regards to NCW, Solar
  4. I do confirm they drop in Nm. Had 3 drops in 1 Day and a drop few Times after, but after last patch 0.
  5. Hi, Im Solar and with my wife Im looking to create whole new tt raid group - within EU server. Im kinda sick of raid sellers - (I refuse to pay for raids in every game Ive played past 12 years of MMORPG gaming.), therefore I want my own raid, which will learn tt 1-4 - slowly but surely. What kind of ppl Im looking? -Non-ragers -Willing to learn/commit/spend 2-3h possibly twice a week to manage mechanics -calm, chill and friedly who think same way I do - 1.5k ap sine its not carry raid. I want every one to be equal What classes? Im WL - https://bnstree.com/character/eu/solar bloom My Wife - https://bnstree.com/character/eu/Lenetea Looking for: 1x Wannabe tank 2x Wanna party Iframe - Summoner/FM/Destr 2x Wanna buff you all - Blue buff 1x Wanna SB you - WL/Warden - 1x Wanna Reset - Gunner 3x Wanna DPS hard to get my Accs Mechanics? I will slowly move through mechs and will distribute the roles according to what ppl want. We will need 3 sunburst holders/ rescuers/Cube carriers for boss 1 - but that will come way after. Time? We will dispute - since I know everyone is busy - but would be nice in weekends - 2-3 hours of chill practicing. I Do not have discord - since it is crashing my BNS so hard, so I will use text communication - the old way - if someone is not into it - don't join. If we will feel , that the raid is capable to take bosses, loot distribution goes As I say - I will gear you all with Accs before myself - do not worry. Fell free to contact me in game - Since Im not here very often - and in game you will find me almost every day after 6pm CEST. In case of any questions - pm me. Regards, Solar Bloom
  6. Hi, Im Solar and Im looking for 4-10 ppl to learn/do mid-high end dungs + raids. Ive seen a lot ppl with high ap and no clue what to do in certain dung - latest example - Sandstorm Temple - its terrible via F8. Therefore I would like to gather some ppl to do dungs on daily basis, learn the upper ones - Shadowmoor/DT/BC + raids SK/VT. Who am i looking for: Firendly Non-ragers Willing to learn/spend time to do certain dungs I do not care about ap - Im not looking for whales - just have like 1200 and will be ok, since I want every one in my playgroup to gear up and to be able to take any dung - NM for now, HM for later. Just competent casuals, willing to do things regular. I started Wl few days ago, and got Gunner with me 24h, so we cover AC/BW buffs. I do not want any guilds or things like this, since it is only problem - just a playgroup. If you are interested feel free to mail/pm me in game - Solar Bloom. Cheers,
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