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Posts posted by DyoxEvo

  1. It is a good event and it is rewarding for your play time, the price will rise back to a similiar price in a longer term, for example in the last Call to Arms event there was a lot of premium transformation stones to get, yet the price stayed about the same, this is a good change regarding events in my opinion.

  2. Hello, so here at https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/252470-anti-cheat-system-development-in-progress/?tab=comments#comment-2096874 it says that there is anti-cheat system development in progress, it has been about two months, is it going to be released anytime soon @Hime?

    Another thing that is so messed up in my point of view, a few cheaters got banned for botting in the instance Spectral Shrine, but I mean can it even be considered a punishment? From what I have seen at least most that got banned got banned only for a few days and the experience and items earned through botting was not removed, in a way you have two or three strikes before you get an actual (permanent) ban (or whatever ncsoft wants), and on top of that rather than dealing with the problem completely ncsoft just nerfed the experience earned, does not make sense to me, if you want to stop cheaters you need permanent ban not "vacations".

    Now in The Aerodrome there is cheaters using speedhack, doing impossible skill counts, possibly using "gravity", "jump" cheats, are those cheaters even going to get banned? And if they are, are they going to lose the experience and items gained through cheating? One can report but at the end of the day it is not like a player can check if there is cheating or not inside the instance.

    A suggestion, make cheating permanently bannable rather than a  two, three, four counts kind of thing.


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  3. I have sent a ticket about this already about a month ago, but it was not fixed on this patch and it has been like this since the day ue4 client/dual blade class was released, at least for dual blade class a few collections are not possible to complete when you have all the outfits required.

    Here is two examples:




    There's a few outfits that are not possible to get (if I'm wrong disregard this) since the merchants that could spawn at the end of an instance do not spawn anymore.

    Pistachio Dream in the first collection and all outfits from the second collection:




    In the instance Forest of Echoes, in the second map of the instance in particular, Hypnos, the character does not wield the weapon properly:




  4. 10 minutes ago, healiha said:

    Although I understand where this is all coming from, I guess some people are still in the process of understanding that everything is decided by NCsoft and not NCwest. 


    If the pet gems didn't get an hotfix it is because it was down the list of important bugs to fix as it didn't have any hard impact on the game.

    The pot that was dropping from the current event was related to a past event. It should have never dropped in the first place. Sure it sucks since some of us did bid on it as 10m exp was gucci, but in the end it wasn't intended. We should be glad they didn't remove the acquired exp from those.


    We can rant all we want, it probably won't change anything, that's the sad truth.


    Oh and don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend NCsoft/west. The strict ban policy hasn't been enforced for months if not years, can't even remember when was the last person I knew that got the ban hammer.


    @Hime, I would like to add that the management department in charge of tickets really need to see that people who're actually hacking in any way and get reported ARE taken mesure against. Don't tell us to contact support, each time we do it with actual proof (video, or anything else) weeks later the same player is still blatantly cheating the exact same way. This can't keep going, you have access to logs which should be enough to ban most of cheaters. Anticheat will help but this must also be done.

    I understand the possiblity that things are decided by ncsoft (on korea) and not ncwest but regardless of that, that does not justify anything, being decided in a branch of ncsoft, ncwest in this case or ncsoft itself, it does not matter a garbage decision is still a garbage decision wherever it comes from.

    • Like 2
  5. This is not just now, it has been like this for a long time already and is most of the reason for Blade and Soul not being well.

    So you do an Unscheduled maintenance, fine, why did you not this on the "pet event" event? It was certain fast for this, why?

    So with the realmrift instance, you put the wrong drops it seems, and also it was a non-choice in dragon express with chests' coins, the only choice was the 10 million experience charm, why put the other two to begin with? Does not make sense.

    Why did not put the proper drops to begin with? Did you even bother to check it if it was failproof and exploitproof? Were you so busy that you could not check it or you just do not care? Why?

    Why did you mess the experience gained in the instance Spectral Shrine for players that play the game legitimately? So you have a problem with cheaters, instead of checking in the game for cheaters (like in any other mmorpg) you try to fix the problem by removing the experience? Same thing was done with the event of the cat souls, instead of fixing the problem you removed the cat souls. Why did you destroy my cat soul?

    Why did you remove the exchange for titles of the Soul Arena instance? I am certain it has an expiration date, fortunately I got mine before it was removed but why remove it when it clearly was not the date?

    Why did you remove the cloths from fishing, what is the reasoning? And you have the audacity to put Polishing Cloth on the Hongmoon Store for 80 NCoin? I would rather destroy cash than spending cash on your game at this point you know?

    Regarding UE4 update, you put a dynamic resolution that does not do anything, why? Dual blade class comes out, lots of weapons have the same appearance (training weapon), can not store in showroom a lot of weapons, can not even complete certain collections in the showroom, sometimes the character gets stuck in edges of platforms in certain maps, in thornwind cavern you can not see the whirlwinds blocking the way at lower options, you release the ue4 engine upgrade and it has korean voice acting which was not changed to our regions, and a lot of other problems, is this competent in your point of view?

    What sort of thinking process do the people at ncwest/ncsoft have to make these these decisions? I know that if someone wants to work at ncsoft they need to have certain qualifications but how can you do this sort of decisions?  You get the job based on political ideology and/or political correctness? Nepotism? Not fit for the job? You simply do not care for the game's success as long as you get the payment at the end of the month? Cognitive decline? Why?

    I thought with the ue4 engine update ncswest/ncsoft would get their act together but it seems not, if ncwest/ncsoft do not get their act together, the obvious conclusion is that ncwest/ncsoft's incompetence will destroy Blade and Soul.


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  6. Hello, I would like to know how to get Pistachio Dream, Escort Officer, Oath Token and Officer's Sedge Hat currently considering the merchants that could appear in instances do not appear anymore? Also on dual blade class, certain collections that have a weapon do not have it for dual blade class, say for example Something's Fishy collection, in other classes you need to have the weapon from the instance The Shadowmoor along with its outfit and hat, yet for dual blade it does not show up the weapon required and if you have the outfit and hat you can not complete the collection.


  7. 3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    I agree with most of them except these:


    No, if you want it, get premium. Its one of the few premium perks that actually do something still.


    There were already discussions on this. Result was they will never do it, instead they removed rng boxes countries that do not allow such. (for example if you play from Netherlands or Belgium you will not see rng boxes in the hongmoon store for purchase anymore)


    First you ask for more performance options, but this will actually impact performance aswel when rendering....so.....make up your mind. Same with the light in the game.


    If i am not mistaking they cant because it broke somewhere and they dont know how to fix it xD xD xD



    Have you checked grand harvest square? Typically most skins for new classes are added to the npc there.


    A definite NO. There is a reason we didnt get it in the first place. This would just fuel so much toxicity that its not needed in our version.


    Thats already there. The higher the item tier, the more charms it needs. Also mythical items need special charms aswel.




    I asked for performance and asked for that graphic improvement as well as an option, you can put the options on low still if you want, I think performance is very important but the game should not completely revolve around it, otherwise we would be playing with stickmen, there isn't any weapon for db in grand harvest square I checked but thanks for telling me. About voice chat, I do not know what you mean by "toxicity", it has been a while since I used voice chat in bns but I think you could mute someone if you did not want to hear them.

    The thing about the sealing charm fragments is for example the soul you get from this call to arms event costs 10 fragments to pass, which costs more than it is worth, that is what I mean by revamping.

  8. 4 hours ago, Miura Shinju said:

    i agree with most of things that you mentioned but scales bound its not a good thing, everyone have alts so for example i need 30 nocturnal scales but i already used all of them on my main but my alt, that exists for years and have a lot of items that cant be sended i will reach the tier one too fast and my alts too if i want so...

    Shimmering Scale (Not bound)
    Nocturnal Scale (Not Bound)
    Elder scale (Bound)


    That is a good point but I said that because that is how it was going and then it stopped with elder scales for some reason, basically the system was left behind, same with cores.

  9. Hello, I would like to make a few suggestions, hopefully there are some that are worth considering.


    Make scales up to one tier behind bound-to-account.


    Make Scarlet Conservatory mystic badge bound-to-account.


    Make a way to realistically farm Hongmoon Gem Powders, and no, going to skybreak spire to possibly get one or two, or depending on the RNG of crafting guild order crit, or buying in the marketplace (where 99% come from hongmoon store) is not farming.


    This would only apply on items or bundles that do not have limited purchases, make items or bundles purchased with NCoin tradable, for example, if someone wants to buy premium membership or a cosmetic and is not able to buy or not willing to buy Ncoin, another playing could sell those for gold and both would win on both ends, ncwest too.


    Make an option to refine splendor stones into ascension stones in the Splendor Stone Refinement in the unity menu.


    Remove the cooldown for windstride for non premium members.


    Bring back a buff that premium membership had temporarily where the limit of sacred vials and pet packs on the first tab of the dragon express was separated from the premium membership tab (also reduce amount of refined honing oils needed for sacred vial and pet pack chests with that).


    Put live events in the game throughout the maps like Frostscale Basin and Zaiwei Ruins, with good rewards, there's so much open world in Blade and Soul and barely any of it gets used, this would make use it and give rewards to players that want to do that sort of content.


    Make chests, transmute, trove, ect, rng percentages visible when it has rng, for the sake of transparency and informed decision.


    Put Graphic Performance Mode working because it does not do anything at all, if this is simply on my end then disregard this.


    Add more options to improve performance.


    Remove regular hongmoon heptagonal hongmoon gem chest and put hongmoon gilded triangular gems in Cold Storage and Heaven's Mandate, starting on regular heptagonal gems, you need 729 regular heptagonal gems to craft a gilded heptagonal gem which the current best tier of gem, I think that is absurd.


    Put the proper voice acting in the npcs, 2 weeks counting since the game was update to the unreal engine 4 and there is still npcs with korean voice acting.


    Make brilliant sealing charm fragments tradable and giftable, a scenario that happens, say for example you need 1 more fragments, you either buy with ncoin or have to buy a whole brilliant sealing charm from the marketplace.


    Put some light in the game.


    Put reflections on the outfits, the outfits look dry as sand, if it is on purpose put an option at least.


    Make outfit delivery stamps tradable, and gitftable if they are not (the ncoin ones).


    Make the rest of the slots on the basic Vault unlockable.


    Make the weapons and weapon illusions of the dual blade class or other classes that need it proper, there's at least a dozen of weapons that have the same appearance and there is at least one weapon illusion that does not have an appearance to begin with also put weapons for the classes that are missing on certain weapon chests mostly throughout the locations the compaign quests are done, can imagine the disappointment of not having a weapon for my class while starting to play the game.


    Bring back the quests that were removed and their rewards from certain instances since the ue4 update, I think it would be better to leave it in the instances even if it is not the daily challenge or current endgame anymore.


    Put the global cooldown of skills strictly server side.


    Put an anti-cheat software in the game.


    Make the simple mode customisable.


    Put a general chat in the game where players of both faction and player that do not have any faction yet can talk.


    Put voice chat in the game.


    Revamp the brilliant sealing charm fragments needed for items depending on the tier.


    Put dialogue from npcs with canon dialogue from the korean version, also the voice acting in some places is out of place, like Uzume voice acting is completely out of place compared to korean version, not saying that it is bad just seems out of place.


    Increase the limit of reputation gained daily on the unity system.


    Put Midnight Skypetal Plains weekend double reward back.



    Thank you for reading.











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  10. Hello, I think it would be good to add some sort of verification to the files in the client to check if there is files lacking, modified files, files that are not supposed to be there,ect, and also add an anti-cheat software to stop possible third party softwares and the last thing,

    I have reported several cheaters, and the answer is always very ambiguous such with things like "We'll investigate this matter", or when you ask what the conclusion was it is something like "Due to privacy reasons we cannot tell you the state of player's account", so with this could you make it so that at least you can check in the character info to be presented with a message which makes it clear that the player is banned when it is the case?


    Thank you

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  11. While changing colors in Tailoring, client can still crash like in the UE3 client.

    On at least some windwalk quests, when it is finished, Bunah stays in a static pose in the air, similar situations also happen with other npcs in different occasions.

    While talking with npcs that are lying down such as Gwon and Khoid the Quick for example, the camera has an odd angle, rather than being from top pointing to below.

    Several of dual blade class weapons have the same appearance.

    There is a lack of light reflection, specially on outfits.

    If you are moving forward and open chat box, the character stops moving completely.

    Skybreak Spire accessory chests or Mastercraft Celestial Emperor accessory chests cannot be opened on dual blade class characters.




  12. Will the new game client have a dynamic resolution option?

    Will I be able to change class after the new update?

    Will be there some sort anti-cheating measure against third party software, ect?

    Considering cheating has not stopped and the amount of cheating has been growing, will the punishments for cheating be proper such as a one year ban or permanent ban?


    Thank you

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