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Posts posted by prietess

  1. 18 hours ago, Amarathiel said:

    Event redemption time at least to me means you get to use the already acquired event items if you still have those because you couldnt get online or for any other reason to use them before end as to not get screwed in that regard. You should not be able to get more event items after the main event has ended from any kind of source hence why they remove the ability to do so. That's how it should be.


    This happened to previous events many times as I mentioned above.

    Whatever intermediate way (e.g. box) was available to get event coins was still available until event redemption, the box was not antiquated.

    And also, iirc the event currency was still able to be obtained from exchanging the fishing points (angler's pearl) too during event redemption period?

    The boxes from events in the past were surely still not antiquated/removed during event redemption period, how would you justify that but remove it for this moonlit soul event?

  2. 8 hours ago, Hime said:

    Outside of the current issue, the item was removed because the event is over. The item is also no longer upgradeable or salvageable.


    Even though i understand that your intention and mindset why you removed it, but I think there is no harm to have the soul upgradeable and salvageable because literally event redemption period is not over yet, and the souls upgrade cannot be exploited for those who didnt do event.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kicsiduda said:

    This has been the deal for years tho. After event is over, there is NO WAY to get more event coins. We just have to deal with it.


    That is incorrect. We did it before during an event 2 or 3 years ago whereby we needed to upgrade to higher stages too.

    Or during the event when we needed to transmute a thing and then open the box to get the event currency, after the event we could still open the box (not the box giving items only like last Christmas event).


    After the event, we cannot get any extra items to benefit us more beyond the event period, I agree.

    BUT, fodder items or intermediate items as part of the event shall still be useable or redeemable, because event redemption period IS NOT OVER YET.

  4. 1 minute ago, Kicsiduda said:

    So you can use your remaining event tokens to get 2 vials for 4 more weeks from dragon express.


    This has nothing to do with removing the moonlit soul stage 1, no? You can still do that without removing soul stage 1 from express.


    My argument is, the event is over and you cannot get extra emblems from dungeons, yes.

    BUT redemption of the event is not over yet. This event is about upgrading soul from s1->s5, and why I cannot redeem the efforts I spent during the event when the event redemption period is not over yet?


  5. 5 hours ago, Hime said:

    Outside of the current issue, the item was removed because the event is over. The item is also no longer upgradeable or salvageable.


    What is the logical reason behind it? Moonlit soul stage 1 is part of the redemption of the event. @Hime

    We run the event with our lives, tons of it, every single day. If you allow redemption after the event with moonlit coin, there is no reason for removing the soul s1/s2/s3/s4/s5 from the people because there is no other  way to get extra emblems from outside the event period.


    You see, Soul stages are part of the redemption of the event and as redemption of the event ends 4 weeks from now, soul stage 1 should be available as long as the redemption period is not over. Does that make sense?

  6. Why Moonlit soul stage 1 is removed from dragon express?

    I dont understand.

    We cannot get the emblems anymore, why is it removed?

    I saved all my emblems thinking I can upgrade them all at once after the event (when we cannot get emblems anymore)

    but why did you remove it?

    This made us unable to spend the emblem that we have to get the moonlit coin for our items, isn't it ridiculous?

  7. 11 hours ago, Shekinah said:

    Each Event? If you really want to defend NC at least get some facts right Grimoir.

    There were no divination psyches in mischief makers update (april) or soulmate (february).

    So it's more like one psyche every second event.


    @GrimoirPlease please if you don't want to be laughed by people, please get your facts right before you whiteknight this game/company which you probably work at/unreasonably have some kind of unconditional love to.

    All players who play this game know that Divination pysche is not in every event, what you wrote showed that you don't actually play this game that much and yet you keep trying to act like you know everything and defend NC on every single matter in forum.


  8. On 6/1/2021 at 8:53 PM, lillvargen said:

    yes I do Primeweald every day and every day I have 200 coins from each area within an hour, so not impossible



    In that case before that you earned more coins.

    Just comparing before and after.

    The rate of drops is definitely lower, I have asked many people in the community. They all said that they noticed it too.

  9. On 5/28/2021 at 8:20 PM, lillvargen said:

    what droprate you are complaining about, I get the same ammount of coins/chests I always got


    You must have mistakened honestly.

    Previously I could get 100 coins for completing the 300 mob kill quest.

    Now I only get like 30.

    I don't care about pet gem chests because my gems are better than those, I always throw away all the boxes.

    But someone above said the chests have drop rates nerfed as well.


  10. Do you guys feel the same? It has been for a few weeks for me.


    In the past when I completed the 300 mobs kill quest in each region, I am pretty sure I used to get more coins.

    A coin usually drop at least every 3 mobs killed, but now one doesn't even drop after 10 mobs (very often).


    I am pretty sure this company has ninja-nerfed the place without officially informing us, which is hummmm ( you know what to curse )


    Any counter is welcomed if you think the drop rate is still the same.


    • Like 1
  11. Hi i want to suggest that we postpone the change in the Howl of the Hound daily quest into the new dungeon(reading the notes in the web, it seems it's gonna change immed)


    We need a bit time to familiarize and master the Hard-mode mechanic of the new dungeon (Thornwind cavern).

    Just like the challenge mode which is not immediately right after the introduction of the new dungeon, please give us  a bit time.

    Howl of the Hound is an important daily challenge quest for many people.


    Don't get me wrong, I am gonna farm 200runs probably within the first week, but I would still prefer this Howl of the Hound change to be postponed so that more people have enough time to learn it and hence easier to find people to run with.

  12. When Serpent's Den came out in Korea, the average HP of the players there are so high. It is just uncompareable (right now they have 1 Million HP)


    Here in our server, only those whales have HP of 650k HP.

    Normal sane player will have hp of around 500k (Considered Good enough unity-all awakened legendary, reasonable up to date gear, just without +11 pet/talisman).


    Just like The Steelbreaker raid last year, the developer team lowered the boss AP one month after release (FYI My raid already cleared the 1st boss before nerf so I am not complaining I cannot clear it so don't you dare to mock at me about this in your reply below).


    This time will you be doing the same for the new Serpent's Den raid?

    To me it is quite reasonable to do so, looking at what you did for The Steelbreaker.

    I still remember one will die if you get hit by punishment in that boss 1 of The Steelbreaker, then they lowered the boss AP for some reason that I don't know.

  13. 1 hour ago, Dukester said:

    Can't contradict the fact that is the the only trove patch without a stream, so you ignore it in your argument. Imagine wasting your life making 6000 posts for a company and getting nothing in return.

    My bad of missing the trove  lolololol.

    They surely surely will regret it hahahahaha. Trove without stream will not 'bluff' the new players into doing it. LMAO.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    New Raid - Might be worth streaming but...all they would tell you is just boss 1 boss 2 what rewards and thats about it. You know more from youtube videos than you would see on stream.

    Alternate equipment tab - Whats there to show? Works the same as the soulshield one for years they just added accessories to it. Nothing special or worthy of a stream

    Soulstone Plains Update - Again, whats to streamk? Same area, same npc's just boosted stats and quests. all there is to it.

    New HM ladder - New levels that woprk the same way as current ones, with an adjustment to the curve but that will not impact you much, in fact you might gain a level but nothing special.

    New Unity slots - What do you want to see on stream? you get 3 slots for stones, thats it, nothing more to tell, they never talked about the effects anyway so you arent losing anything here jsut getting 3 more slots per row.

    Call to arms - same as previous events, no need to show anything.

    Ethereal vial - new item to awaken soul badges. Dont see anything else to know here since all awakened boosts are the same.

    BIG LOL.

    Do you think all players are old players like you? //content.invisioncic.com/w306168/emoticons/63.png

    Can't stop laughing whenever you white-knight the dev team/GM, to the point of hmmm...

    • Like 2
  15. 16 hours ago, Dukester said:

    Don't forget trove. Think they never skipped a stream for trove. But UE4 will be great don't worry kekw.

    Right I forgot about trove,


    Yes, they NEVER skipped stream for trove bec they need to teach those new players how to do trove so that they spend $$$$$$ for this game

    • Like 1
  16. So nowadays BnS NA + EU only stream twice a year, only when there is new class/Or let's say twice a year when some new spec comes out.

    This coming update is not considered big enough ic.


    - New raid (+new weapon)

    - Alternate Equipment tab

    - Soulstone Plains update

    - New HM level ladder

    - New unity Slots

    - Call to arms event

    - New item Ethereal Vial


    I mean............ to me there are a lot of things to talk in the patch stream.... players deserve to have a preview of the changes before it goes live....

    After 1 year + of pandemic, are we still using pandemic as an excuse?


    • Like 1
  17. Why on earth does Stonescale Passage Challenge Mode outfits not giving 5AP set?

    The achievement for other challenge mode outfits (bought using challenge mode tokens) are giving 5 AP (except DST?).
    Even the achievement from brood chamber custom outfits is giving 5 AP, Stonescale passage is so long after Brood chamber.

    SP was one year ago.

    BC was like??? 2 years +??? 

    Doesn't make sense??

  18. There has been some confusion whether the current Alpha Emblem, Tranquilty Emblem, Mewtineer's Coin Will be Antiqued next week, can we get confirmation from @Hime?

    From the stream I can see that the icon as well as the name are still the same with the current names of emblems/coins. So current one will still be useable?

    Because some people say better farm now before boss is buffed, but some other people say the current ones will be antiqued, but your streaming today doesn't give clear answer about this, you just said you don't exactly know, but you know there's new item same name (CMIIW).


    Please confirm.


    And one more thing I wish to ask you is, whether the solo dungeons will be put back to Daily challenge like in the past? I wish they would be there again honestly, they are totally relevant now to be in there.

    • Like 1
  19. 8 hours ago, Drakor said:

    Just putting in an old Event Dungeon would be fine, not really asking for new content atm and UE4 was supposed to have been out with the last Story Update. All I would like is a little change so the game isn't so Boring as Hell, I am sure many others would agree


    They had repeated and rotated those event dungeons for years. I guess people are bored?

    So this time they changed the style of event. Hongsil's Room was nice to get a lot of EXP though.

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