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  1. So just to be clear, when there are less rewards in game than in the blog post (remember that you had to "correct" it last week ?), the blog post is wrong, but when there are less rewards in the blog post than in game, the blog post is right. You do realize that it looks like you're doing everything you can to "fix" such mistakes in the way most detrimental to your players, right ? First you take away a ton of important materials ("sorry, that wasn't supposed to be in the West release") and now you take away several weeks of premium ("sorry, that was supposed to be 1 per account"). At this point, you're not supposed to post a "I want to point to the blog post that we all know was wrong anyway", you're supposed to apologize and compensate. Do your job.
  2. @alley it would make sense, wouldn't it ? Sadly, according to the patch notes : The following items have been removed from the Dragon Express: Sacred Vial, Pet Pack, Sparkling Ascension Stone Chest, and Sparkling Radiance Stone Chest. @Hime I appreciate you at least taking the time to answer. Sadly, that small adjustment to the compensation, coupled with the fact that (according to the patch notes) the tokens in that Box of Spells won't be transmutable into a letter after maintenance, or exchangeable for a Sparkling chest as they could have been between the daily reset at 7CET and the usual start of the maintenance, means that this compensation is still very, very far from adequate.
  3. @Hime I hope this is a bad joke. You do realize that starting maintenance at 6 CET deprives us from the full set of Login Rewards that we would have gotten before the maintenance, right ? And during the one week of improved rewards, on top of that. It will also prevent us from buying any of the "per week" event rewards before the event ends, and I imagine those will, as usual for those event, not be available any longer after the maintenance ? On top of that, it prevents us from going through the event dungeon one final time between the morning reset and the maintenance. That's one Box of Spells lost on each character we would have wanted to run it on. To actually compensate us for this, you need to : offer a 1/account free pack countaining all the login rewards we'll be unable to collect ; offer a 1/character free Box of Spells, since we won't be able to do the dungeon to earn it wednesday morning ; either make sure that the current dragon express event tab stays fully available for at least one more week, or offer free per character and per account packs to compensate for every single item we won't be able to collect because of this. The laughable "compensation pack" you've announced doesn't account for any of this, and is nothing but an insult. This company's actions and communication have made me angry several times before, This is one time too many. I went ahead and cancelled my subscription, and I will not be renewing it or spending another cent on B&S or any NCSoft game ever again, if you do not fix this and actually compensate us fairly for what this extended maintenance is actually costing us.
  4. I think there's a couple of little things missing from your message. You know, things like "sorry we misled our valued customers with innaccurate patchnotes" or "this lack of communication was a mistake on our part, we will do better in the future to let you know about such changes". You know, things that would make you sound like you recognize you've done something wrong, instead of giving that "yeah, nobody cares" vibe that is annoying me more and more each time you do such a blunder and remain completely unapologetic about it. Unless that's your way of saying that lies and misinformation are essential parts of the B&S Premium experience, of course. In which case, carry on.
  5. Having tried it earlier today, I can confirm that GD's workaround works. Part II has the same problem : the list of dungeons listed in the text (which has been changed recently) doesn't correspond to the dungeons you need to do (which seem to be the same as they were a few months ago, when I last did this quest). And by the way, I think the Part II "change" (once it'll actually come into effect) is a really bad idea, as characters who do those quests are either really under-equipped for DST, or over-equipped compared to the quests' rewards...
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