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Posts posted by Azareel6

  1. You miss the old gathering system that had like 3 nodes per world map that had campers or bots collecting it so most others never could? Seems like an odd thing to miss.... I could see them possibly leaving that in the game just to let players gather it if they wanted to. But the changes they have made even with the not waiting 24 hours or more to complete stuff is a very welcome change. But to each their own I suppose.

  2. Are you talking about tickets or coins? Not sure there was enough time to get that many tickets, but I could be wrong. If you mean the coins you got from the that event those items can still be purchased on the first event/special tab in your dragon express. Honestly though that event didn't have much to buy and was only really any good for gold if you did multiple toons through it.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Mandii said:

    I'd be fine if they either:
    A: Add a NPC to exchange gear for your class 
    B: Add tokens like they did for the previous accessories
    C; Keep as is, but allow the accessories to start dropping as of stage 3 or 4 to give more people a chance to farm them. 

    Yea I feel you definitely does feel like something needs to be done. Not sure if they fixed it or not but I hate that the patch notes don't line up with Ctrl+J. Notes state floor 6 for accy and Ctrl+J shows or at least did show stage 5. Haven't been in much the passed couple of days to see what the changes are.


    I like your idea of exchanging ones you have for ur class, but a 1 for 1 might be a little too easy with the drop rate of them on stage 6. Maybe make it where you could swap 3-5 accy for your class specific one. But for that to work they'd have to make a vendor that works 😛 lol.

  4. Was nobody around when they made you buy your accessory with cores, complete 300 runs before being able to buy it and bid against 5 other players on a ridiculously low drop rate?  I'm not a fan of the current system either but it's definitely way better than it was prior to Demonsbane dungeons. The most annoying issues were the weapon rng drop but that's supposedly fixed with a selection box if one drops now & the vendor being broken and people with extremely poor luck not getting their accessories after 200+ runs. 


    Haven't messed around in the new dungeon too much but NHT the accessories dropped pretty regularly and yes; it is extremely annoying seeing it not be for your class. But you use the salvaged item to buy your accy (if it's ever fixed.....), change your enchantment effect and use them in your compound.  So call me crazy but this system is way better than it was before.


    What everyone needs to be upset about is a vendor that is the only way for to purchase new updated gear in the game still being broken. I understand things happen and are beyond anyone's control at times. But since the release of UE4 literally every patch has had major issues and with the exception of the vendor, the new loot system being on the very low end of problems.

  5. You can grab your celestial weapon in the transmute menu. Takes 3 of the grand celestial forgestones from the dragon express solar energy tab. It's account bound after you transmute it so if you have a toon with more solar energy you can craft it on them and mail it.

  6. Thanks for responding everyone and also thanks for pretty much proving my point. The point was that it is a really good game and I've been enjoying it for years now. I have taken a break here and there but for the most part, I've stuck with it. Buuuuuuut there needs to be a huge overhaul on how some of these items are earned. I don't care if you PvP or PvE and I especially don't care at all if you're F2P. If you are F2P and never spend anything on the game to support it then I don't think you really have much of a say in anything.  (BTW this isn't me trying to attack anyone. It's just my opinion in general about f2p because if none of us paid no game would ever survive.)


    I would think a company would somewhat cater to the consumer if they want to succeed. This shouldn't be about nickel and diming us if we are paying a monthly subscription and supporting the company. I don't expect something for nothing, but if you pay your monthly/yearly subscription. You should be able to login and just play how you want and earn the items you need. If you're always making adjustments to squeeze a little more out of the players, you're going to lose a lot of them and limit your income. It seems dumb to rely on a few mega spenders vs just making it better and having more players subscribe.


    I don't think telling people to "just buy them off of f5" or "wait for the devs to give you freebies in your rewards" or "it's the only way for PvP people to make gold" (hell half the people selling them on the market are probably gold farmers anyway) is a good argument to make for nothing needs to change. I do think it's complete bs that the PvP stuff has been put behind a timed window even more than it was before. It is horrible for those that are in different parts of the world but play on the NA servers. Also having a bit of PvP mixed in that you have to do if you're PvE is whatever as well. You need your skill books? Go do some arena. You want some of the older outfits and not farming a dungeon 1000 times with no luck? Go spend a day in arena as well. Who knows you may end up really liking it.


    But to have certain mats on complete lockdown for it is ridiculous. Especially when if you don't PvP or care to upgrade that stuff, you are going to get destroyed in either SSP or BG's. There are what 8-10 trash mobs in SSP that actually give you prestige points and they are all dead 99.9% of the time bc someone else is already farming them. The mobs you need for the quests are all timed and good luck trying to kill them depending on what faction you are. Oh and if you do happen to be the right faction that has it on lockdown. Good luck getting a hit on the mob you need since its damage based and you won't get credit for it anyway.


    The same goes for if you want to PvP and not do dungeons. Just put them all in bg or arena vendors and let them buy them with pvp currency and upgrade with bloodstones. But letting anyone rule the market for items needed to upgrade is idiotic.


    Let's look at this only way for PvP people to earn money for a minute. Battlegrounds are legit the one and only way to earn Moonstones and you can earn what 100s per box depending on your ranking there (same goes for ss in arena btw). If I do your party/solo dungeons you're walking away with what 150+ gold a day and with the market prices always being overpriced (ms are currently 10g apiece) on literally everything. You'll never be able to earn even close to what you need by buying them. Why lock materials behind this kind of content when it really serves no purpose. I'm all about play how you want and earn everything except raid content with how you want to play because it's supposed to be fun. 


    Again this is NOT me saying waaaaahhhhh I want more in the game for free give me give me give me. This is me saying if they would quit limiting materials everyone needs in the game and making people do content they don't want to do then they would have more subscribes and would make more money. It's all about having fun and being rewarded for the time you are putting in. If players, whether it's PVP or PvE, feel screwed for an extended period of time they are just all going to quit so why not make it fun for both playstyles.


    What I think would be the easiest fix

    1. Add dungeon gear in PvP vendors purchased with PvP currency (which I think they have started doing this with the past couple updates. At least some pvp accessories anyway.)
    2. Let PvP players upgrade with bloodstones like some of the older gear vs the elder scales.
    3. Make the refined mats (i.e. crystals) be converted to unrefined with a 5 or 10 to 1 ratio. This would allow pve players to earn their unrefined mats they need while also letting the pvp players sell the ones they earn. This would more than likely lower the prices in the market and make it somewhat reasonable as well.
    4. Honestly, these could even be a subscription perk.

    Thanks ladies/gents and see you in-game!!!

  7. @Hime & Devs


    Was thinking the game could be so much better if NC would stop milking people for every cent they have and make all items easier to earn especially if you subscribe and are already supporting the game. That way you have more people subscribing and earn money because it's a good game?!?! A few of the top whales paying 100s or even 1000s of dollars isn't better than thousands or tens of thousands of people paying for a subscription monthly. F10 items should be a boost for people if they want to spend more real money on the game rather than a necessity if you want to make any progress. 

    This event is a perfect example. Yet another cash grab and the third time we've seen this hongsil treasure draw in a 6 month period. I understand companies are there to make money. But did you forget there's a pandemic going on and millions aren't even working.


    This isn't a rip fest on NC because I've still been enjoying the game. But there's so many negative changes over the past few months I feel some need to be mentioned.


    • soulstones - taken out of Tower of Infinity and only obtainable in arena or soul stone plains..... why???


    • moonstones - only obtainable in battlegrounds. ( Feels like it's done to keep that content alive for the players that want to do it. Which just let's them destroy those that don't. Then it makes them complain that those people are in there. Like somehow they have a choice.)


    • event item limitations - Can only purchase 5 or 10 a week of certain items. What does it matter how much someone earns if they are putting time in the game. Plus they're account bound so it makes even less sense.


    • Ascension orbs - As if it wasn't bad enough that CS and HM was updated awhile ago and because of that everybody's white orbs were antiqued with no compensation. Some bought hundreds of those weeks before they were taken away. Now we dont even have a way to earn items to enter dungeons that require orbs to enter? We dont even do Karri in CS anymore bc it's not worth wasting the orb.


    • rumor mill - MSP is the only place you can earn evolved stones efficiently. But the rumor going around is that MSP is being increased and evolved stones are being removed. Any clarification on this? Thanks for responding in advance

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