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Posts posted by YunoGasaiYandere

  1. 4 minutes ago, ealkbtfoliake said:

    I really don't understand how you people lack this many brain cells did you forget a new class is 3-4 weeks away ? Poor unity xp in forms of charms ? not p2w at all  buy 10 bundles a day ? again not p2w at all you can farm for this ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ and it still has no insane upgrade to power outside of 6v6 maybe  badges ? how many months have u people had the chance to figure out what spec to play ? unlucky 2 old easy events that you  can farm on alts with 0 zero so bad XDDDDDD you people are a bunch of children that maybe shouldn't be allowed to play games in the first place I feel like you all got a shitty car when u were 15 and whined about it not being a new Ferrari

    It is pay to win..sadly you're blinded by evil NC Soft, pay to progress is just another word for pay to win. Sure you can get everything just by playing. Except one tiny detail. You'll never get Best in Slot gear while its still best in slot. Game release updates way to fast and introduces new gear faster than you can achieve it. You'll always fall behind compared to whales. In example you need 2 weeks to get one octagonal gem. To get gilded traingle you need 3 of octagonal (thats 6 weeks total) and 32 hongmoon gem powder. To get gilded square you need 3x gilded triangle (18 weeks) and 128 hongmoon gem powder..but here's more fun part. dyad gems exist. You need to fuse two gilded square to get it (36 weeks) and 256 hongmoon gem powder...so its 36 weeks to get one BiS gem. Plolt twist: you need 8 of them..oh and lets not forget all other gear..soul,pet.weapon and other things..and you need 254 weeks just to get all gems. with alts? divide that by 11...still ~23 weeks. Thats 6 months..just to max all gems...getting all gear could take like 2 years...it would be fine if game didnt introduce much gear..but during 2 years you might get...2 new raids...tons of new stages for pet and stuff...each of item requiring more effort than before..being more expensive and requiring more and more farming. So its like this..you treat game like second job without ever seeing a top, while whale runs past you with BiS gear few days after that gear got released. Not pay to win? actually its heavilly pay to win. Also lets not forget that whales manage to do 40million DPS burts while free players have hard time doing more than 10 million DPS burst...
    Just..create new character today..on freshly craeted new account and see how long it takes to catch up  to current whale...

  2. Game started terribly tbh. Sure, idea is fun, combat is fun, upgrading items is unique. But their attempt to control market failed epicly. Stable prices of mats? bullshit. I rather have moonstones costing 100g each while being able to get 1k gold from just questing than have current system. bound mats are cancer. get rid of those. Let us sell everything..except equipped items. Get moonstones from dungeon? sell them , got sousltones? sell them. Got weapon box from dungeon? sell it on market too? outfits from store? sell them on auction house too. Also what with everything costing 1 copper..or max 1 silver? And dungeons giving basically no exp, monsters dropping so little. while in all other (normal) MMO you can just farm your levels just by killing monsters or by doing dungeons oevr and over again. Its done to combat gold sellers? I REALLY doubt it. Its to force us to spend money on game.There's no point of buying any of packs if you can get them in game by buying from auction. Also gold sellers might suck..but they aren't a threat...I mean...all games had them and still have, still those games live much longer than blade and soul....maybe they should turn blade and soul into buy to play or buy to play plus sub....
    anyway..this game is marked for death...NC soft are slowly pushing game to its doom and making shutdown date closer and closer...proof is those boxes with radiant stones and reputation exp...getting one purple stone is rare thing. I have like 10 blue and none of purple. who knows..their chance might be 1% or 10%...never got them..but here we can buy those things for cash...they don't affect stats much..well...all purple stones surely is great boost....whats next? hongmoon skill point sell? 
    tbh sealing charms were horrible idea..now they thought of somethign more evil...
    As I said..this game is marked for death...tabula Rasa, City of Heroes, Master x Master and wildstar are victims of NC Soft's greed. Next in lien seesm to be blade and soul...after that most likely AION and finally Lineage 2..that's because they don't care about PC gaming..they only care about their cancerous 4 mobile versions of blade and soul and other mobile crap they are going to release. Why crap? Not because mobile games are bad..soem are might be good..but because they drains your phone battery faster. How does buying new phone each year or even faster sounds like? Fun, right? Mobile games wouldn't be a such big problem if phones had replaceable battery. That makes all environment protectiona  big scam..who cares how much we try to recycle  and avoid pulitng air if we are forced to throw tons of electronics because phone's battery is dead...

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  3. 11 hours ago, Bobthemonk said:

    As far as I was aware we get the same patches as KR only later, so simple question to all those blaming NCWEST for things like upcoming pet gems, ancient wep, bundles in F10. Do you really think NCWEST decided those and are implementing them by themselfs and they just never existed on KR, or are you saying NCWEST should just never patch again?

    actually..drop rates and stuff can be altered by NC west..also costs to upgrade. Hongmoon gem powder is good proof..other regions still have radiant stones...also Korea has option to salvage outfits (all of them), chance to fail when evolving weapon and stuff. We dont have those. We even have different underwear for female characters. NC west can alter game at some degree. Bundles are just bundles...you can easilly alter what's inside. NC west can change that.

  4. ancient weapon levels..damn if I understood those correctly maxed out ancient level weapon gives extra 600 or 700 AP...plus gems fro accessories exist in korea too...that wouldnt be an issue, but imagine ET having 4k AP requirement :D 

  5. On 8/3/2019 at 2:38 AM, CryrieIrving said:

    Hi new BnS player here.  Im wondering when do things actually get fun?  Or do they ever?  For example im a big lover of character customization and cool weapons and cool armor.  Turns out theres no armor?  I guess the soul shields replace that right?  And you cant even level up your skills or attack & dex or int points or anything like that?  Im reading around and it says you wont even be able to do any of that stuff til like level 50?  what is the point in that?  its basically a single player game until end game.  and i cant even do some of the low level dungeon quest because no one even joins and im still kind of weak.  and im someone who really loves making new online friends and running dungeons together.  im not really complaining i just would like to know when does it get fun?  because i love the aspect and gameplay of BnS but ive been grinding the main quest until level 25 and its just getting really repetitive and boring now.  i know some people would be like "well then find another game"  well there arent many games like this and id like to give it some more shots.  

    You love character customization? Then this game is perfect for you. You can wear any outfit you like (they have no stats) without worrying for it to be replaced by higher tier. Same applies to weapon skins. Got weapon from boss and you like how it looks? Use it as appearance item for your current one. Third type is pets. You can choose one you like. They basically appearance item too. Weapon skins can be bought for like 20+ gold. Outfits and pets start at ~200. Or you can get them from bosses/events/in game store. There are also books to change skill appearance, but those are hard to get. You either get them from treasure trove events...which needs lots of keys and cash shop currency to get, or you can buy them from market for like 2000 gold.

    Dungeons aren't hard at low level. Just learn patterns and use 2x dragon blood before each boss. Still, if you find it too hard to solo, try asking nearby people for help. Especially low levels. Chances are they are new (check their HP. If they are new they'll have similar to yours) and wish to run same dungeon but are scared to enter alone.

    Still...most important thing: you don't need to do any dungeons till you reach lv60. Unless you wish outfits or gear from them. Or maybe as new player you're just curious how those dungeons look.

    All you need to do until you finish story are those:


    Yellow quest


    Purple quests for old man Cho. Those increase your windwalk time (it's amount of time you can run fast or fly fast), gives you skills like ability to climb walls


    Orange quests. Those are side stories. In the end (last chapter) they ask you to kill raid boss. You need 12 people group for it. And at least 1100 attack power (unless other members are insanely powerful so they could carry you). Still...don't rush to finish those last chapters. Enter only if you're strong enough or have good group. They have orange dragon icon next to quest, so you'll be able easily tell difference between previous chapters and last one. Currently there are 4 side stories leading to 4 different raids.


    Dead refuse to die

    Know your enemy part 1

    Know your enemy part 2.

  6. On 7/25/2019 at 1:14 AM, MassiveEgo said:

    @Draknalor They obviously want the wings. Albeit I don't understand what's so nice about wings that behave like cheap theater props, I do understand the frustration that comes with having an event thingie in a GAME, locked behind a dps check.

    Like a cheap theater props? Nah...those wings just like skybloom wings (pink ones) act like real wings, not just a decoration. And yeah...all other wings are just decoration. Only those and skybloom are worth investing your time.

  7. On 6/20/2019 at 11:59 AM, Grimoir said:

    Still it does not matter, each crit has a different worth to everyone. Like for me a crit with gems is useless cause i dont need them, while a crit with the weapon skins has more value to me.

    Gems are not needed only if you have dyad gems (all of them). But even then..you could use gems to gear up alts (if you have any) or salvage and sell hongmoon gem powders on market. Pet is not worth. you can buy it for like 200 gold on market..well..maybe 300..still..it's not that expensive. Also things like pets and weapon skins are given for free as you reach specific milestone..open 100 trove boxes and so on...
    3 star rating should be reserved for expensive items..not for somethign anyone with VT or even BT gear could earn in less than a week

  8. On 5/23/2019 at 1:40 PM, Snowyamur said:

    Yeah, but if Blade & Soul did that for their forums, it would be copying. It has to be something unique and different without copying how another game handles its own forums.

    It wouldn't..it's like saying movie A can't have cars in it because movie B has them. Or that new social media can't have option to add friends, because you can do same on facebook. And tbh I think AION has similar forum system as wow..it allows to choose character..stilll it used to allow you to put custom picture. In BnS forum avatar could be tied to your F2 picture.

  9. 22 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    But then players complained "oh we get the same outfit 5 times through the entire daily dash we dont want it" and that was when the outfits were removed from daily dash.


    I like it but...that would only make sense if they replaced all dungeon drops with the same, cause if they dont, those chests are not saving you anything, also the retrieve mailbox is loading very fast at least for me, and its not nc's responsibility but your own to keep it "clean" and take items out.

    They complained about 5 same outfits?  It seems you haven't played at lv 45 patch. Back then daily dash was: you get all items. Even ones you walk past. Once you finish you get outfit. And that's it. No more daily dash. You need to wait until next daily dash. Unless rolls were character bind. Still. No one forces for you to get outfit for all alts. Also all events are like this. To get outfit you need to either farm it for all characters or send it via mail to alts. And tbh old system could've been sold easily. Just put selection box with like 10 different outfits at the end of daily dash. You'd need to complete only one round,get all items in your path plus outfit of your choice at the end...


  10. 6 hours ago, Kubult said:

    Hitting Lv60
    Im not a Grindy Player who goes Heroic Dungeon alot to collect something
    Just wandering around aimlessly
    And the only thing i've been doing...
    Is taking pictures of of K.O.ed Female Mobs
    Haha, im such a Creeper...

    Endgame in bns is dungeons and raids tbh. If you're not into those there's little activity. still, you can try doing event dungeons or just farm celestial basin or moon refuge. those are open world areas and doesn't require group for you to complete or you could try solo instances like tower of infinity, mushin's tower, outlaw island, ring of reckoning and so on :) 

  11. On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 8:06 PM, ElectricPotato said:

    baleful/seraph/galaxy path removal

    I thought the end of those coming soon. I imagined them having one stage instead 12. But this seems worse. Removing those things from game will be painful for alts. Now we can just keep buying boxes until we get 8 slot bale/seraph version and upgrade it to whatever we like (rift/dawn/raven). But without bale/seraph we won't get that option. Only upgradable version will be rift/dawn stage 3 (stage 1 and 2 seems to be useless after removing bale/seraph). which comes from quest with no option to buy it. It always has 3 slots. So unless bale/seraph are turn into one stage version (like immortality ring and stuff) or we are given option to buy it from naryu  coin merchant, alts will be stuck with 3 slots or be forced to pay...110 legendary hammers (assuming that each stage for legendary is 22 hammers and amount don't increase) to get 8 slots...

  12. outfits for cerulean and crimson should work same way as in example blackram and bamboo guard. This would allow you to equip both. Cerulean and Crimson outfits. Faction quests would work the same as now. Except you could choose which faction to fight for. Equip Crimson and you're free to fight Cerulean NPC, bosses and players. Equip Cerulean and you can fight Crimson. reputation system? Simple. Killing players or faction NPCs would give points just like it is now. Also you could get reputation by killing any opposing faction players. In example you could equip bamboo guard uniform and kill players with blackram uniforms for faction points. This way everyone could join the same clan and still fight for faction they want.

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  13. 29 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    We had an outfit at the end of daily dash and people complained about it so....I am not surprised there is no outfits for login rewards tbh.

    so once again..NC Soft are listening for lazy people. Tbh I prefer one round daily dash with outfit at the end instead current multirun version. Why? because in one round version you get all items. You get not reward you land on but all rewards in your path also. Current system doesn't help players a lot too...I mean...if you need brilliant key...or some cores..there are chances of you never landing on them and getting worthless rewards. One round version gives you everything ..even things left behind you. Also since it can be completed only once, I see no harm. 
    Tbh NC Soft shouldn't listen for not so smart  people who don't like free outfits. Cool looking outfits for free? well...they give outfits via events, completing new story or as newsletter gift and everyone is fine with it..but as soon as outfit appears in daily dash, little kids starts to whine and NC Soft sadly obeys wishes of kids

  14. 16 minutes ago, Zini said:

    My one, two thoughts


    Heavens Mandate, Cold Storage
    Earlier, you said: The Dungeons will change, White orbs no longer needed.
    We all were happy. Finally. We can play it like other dungeons.
    And what happend? You changed nothing. You only renamed the item. Works the same as before.


    On top of this, old items we saved for month/years are antiquated now.
    But no 1 to 1 trade. You simply removed them. Explanation: based on design.
    Your design can't trade? Very hard to believe.
    And at least it can not give out gold anymore? Only 1 chopper? You really thing, this is right?

    Event: Heavens Mandate
    How to play it? Some bought white orbs before. Wanted to exchange them and use for the event. But they only lost gold again. Orbs are useless. And where is the new item to play Mandate? Daily 1/6 Shards. So i need 6 days to get 1 without alts. We need 1 a day for this event. And of course, you put them in F10 Store as daily special. Only 15 coins (for 1 shard). And i read the rare vendor in CS has it. 5 Shards for 50g. I almost forgot, Trove. You are kidding us again. First removing our old item for 1 copper, then sell the new item for a lot gold or real money to play a event?

    Old event: Lovestruck Coin
    Still have some left. Useless now too. Because i can't make Vials anymore. Like i said, your great idea with no replacement for Demon Spirit Stones.

    Enter only with level 60. Yes, you can reach it fast. But i still lost a day. And this is part if the daily event too. Another great idea. "You want play this event here? Then play first the new, rare released story part. And don't enjoy it, just go through quickly."

    Gems, Gem Powder, Solar Energy:
    "The transmutation cost has been reduced"
    "Gems cost in the Dragon Express have been greatly reduced"


    You can't buy them with powder anymore. Only with Solar Energy and Tickets.
    Hexa, Hepta Tickets as rare drop or from Events. And we get only 4 Solar Energy each day. Need them for other things too. You need hundreds of those. How many years should i do the daily?


    And you removed the source to get Powder. Forgot to mention it, hu?
    Only salvage Octa+ gives Powder back. But you also need Powder to make them.
    No Octa-Gem as drop or ticket.
    The only way to get Powder: Trove, F10. (the rare BT Drop is no real source)
    F5 price will go up high. And later it will be rare.

    Reduced states again:
    You did the same last year. Had 65% critical and fall down to 53%. Do you know how hard it was to go back to 60%? Now the Number went up 9000 to 9700. But i still lost %. I'm back at 53%. Other states went down too.

    reduction again.

    A lot new items and not a single inventory row for non premium user. You did gave 1 row in the past. Now only for premium user. And a complete tab.

    ...is now no fun anymore with the new skill system. Block only at frost, instant inferno only with 5 embers, the combo calculation with the timer for burning, cooldowns and buffs. And 1 mistake in the long combo and she is destroid. Much less dps.


    370 pet pods

    Trove, new F10 Store Bundle working fine.

    No real explanation about everything new in this patch. And now, deadly silence about the issues.

    Did i miss something?


    I agree. But, most of creatures and bosses are at level 60 or below so technically your critical rate should be the same. New rate is against 60+ creatures. For anything below your previous should apply or even bit higher than previous.

  15. Blade and soul? 

    More like blade and trove or even better

    Cash&trove that's how this game should be called.


    I rather play swtor. It might be P2W too but at least it has story quests and I can have different experience on 4 characters while playing.


    With 4 (really NC soft? ) mobile blade and soul games coming out,PC version will be left to die. UE4? It's like politician who never lies and keep their promises. It will never happen. They have more chances of them killing game before UE4 arrives. 


    Tabula Rasa

    City of Heroes

    Master x master




    Next in line blade and soul?

  16. Tbh korea devs might have nothing to do with it.Why? Answer is simple. TW version in example is different. They still have radiant energies. Things like hongmoon gem powder don't exist there. They have 4 RNG boxes to choose from. Another legendary weapon path which starts at level 45. 

    Game differs from region to region. NCWEST can change some things in game. Orbs of ascension or them being only from DC and Weeklies might be team bloodlust idea...

  17. 6 minutes ago, SnugglesFairie said:

    I am really rather disappointed.  I don't like to rant and complain, but you guys have seriously messed up this event for me. 


    You make an event that requires us to do cold storage and heaven's mandate to get lunar coins.  But those dungeons require the orb of ascension.  Problem is, no one has any except the one that was given for registering. 


    Half of the event for me is null and void. We can't get the goodies from the event without the lunar coins.


      So now how do we get enough lunar coins? I am seriously asking here. There is probably no way for people to get 20 or 40 coins.


    On top of all of that, demon spirit stones and some of the other items that you are removing, have been in the hongmoon store several times after this patch was announced.  People paid real money for items because you guys promised that they would get converted into something new.  These items should never had been put on the store if they were not going to get converted. 


    I was truly looking forward to this event.  But now, most of it is just not possible to do.  That is a shame.  Because it could have been a lot of fun. 



    Fun? NC SOFT hates fun. They hate players having fun. All they care about is making more $$$. Their logic is simple: "feed us with $$$ or we'll take all fun in game from you. Only way to have fun is to spend hundreds or even thousands of $$$"

    Yesterday during maintenance I played star wars the old republic. Who knows. Maybe its even more p2w as blade and soul but at least it has most of voiced quests and choices and 4 paths to follow. Jedi (light/dark), Sith (light/dark). So you can have different story experience with 4 characters.In other words its fun. While blade and soul is becoming opposite of fun. 

  18. So...max shards you can get is:

    11x3=33 ( weekly challenge)

    11x1=11 (daily challenge)

    Total 44.

    That's enough to craft 7 orbs. So all that effort to be able to do mandate and CS 3 times each. Unless they added 12slot. Which makes it total 48 and 8 orbs to craft. That would allow to do each 4 times. Each 4 times once/week. All other days you can do both only once. Basically if you have 12 slots you can get maximum 120 orbs/week. That's 20 orbs. Or running both dungeons 10 times each. Sacred oils will be expensive as hell. Out of 20 runs you'd be lucky to get  one sacred oil. Yeah 1 sacred oil/week if you're lucky. Reset scrolls could technically allow you to run CS unlimited amount of times,but scrolls don't help if lesser stones drop only from Kaari lord. And once those things actually drops...prepare for bid war.

    Guys...if you're trying to kill the game,then just do it. There's no need to make it unplayable before it closes. 

    P.S at level 55 patch you guys increased level to 55 from 50 for few dungeons. Now all dungeons (EC+) are lv55. In few buff for extra stats apply. That's tbh nice thing makes gearing up easier for new players. But those new orbs for HM and CS are cancer. They kill game for new players. Those two dungeons are part of dead refuse to die instead EC,DT and NF. So new players can't even finish the quest without orb.

    That's 6 days of daily challenges to able to finish the quest. Other option is just send quest to hell and farm peaches instead. Getting 15k isn't that hard. Especially when basin introduction quest gives 5k...that leaves only 10k  and that can be done in few hours of basin farm...

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