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Posts posted by Estellia

  1. 11 hours ago, Siara Siasyndra said:

    I think one big improvement for new players will be at last one chanel per region lvl 60 players can't enter. Trying to make a boss to get the items for roulette that give me my final questitem. It was very frustating that in both chanels lvl 60 players were killing the boss with one hit and me as new player hase no chance to make enough dmg to get a reward from the boss. At last it takes me five hours to finish the quest.

    The player base is already limited as it is. If they further have to separate the base, yet again, will be even more lonely. What would be better is to add more difficulties, easy mode would be more for beginning players, normal would be for normal player base and hard would be for the die hard and competitive junkies. Easy mode shouldn't allow anyone that have too much experience in a dungeon to join it, resulting in going on normal and up.


    Would keep track of how many times you've entered and when it see's you're use to it, they should act accordingly.


    Separating everyone just separates the player base more than it is. You'll see less and less people and the game will just feel more dead.

    What we want is to bring people back to BnS and have people playing more, so it gives them a reason to see the game is alive enough to ultimately need to make more servers, more content, keep things rolling  and keep them on track of listening to the player base/fans instead of ignoring them all the time.


    ((Also, this is off-chat and goes for any game that has, close, feels like or on the verge of shutting down, losing player base but I feel like Devs and GMs that let the game die that they say the love and worked hard on are pathetic, especially if they use the last bit of life to milk money before it dies. You love the game but you're just using it to make you filthy rich instead of supporting the game that you love and built with your hands. "We are sorry to see it go and we love this game but it's not funding itself anymore." Try harder for your passion if it really is your passion. Let the game be open to everyone, not just whales. You're catering only to a specific group allows it to die, all the time. The only base you have are whales, when there is so many more people playing that should be catered to as well. Even non-whales support the game, they might spend less but they support it.))

  2. The community needs to be improved, first, before New players will feel more at home.

    Everyone just solos everything, trolls in f8 or talks crap in faction chat.

    People would need to help people more, instead of just turning them away, be less strict and stop being elitists.

    All I see is cliques and elitists telling people what to do, at all times and it chases away anyone joining the game. The ones that are left are older players, that has alts. Just needs a bit more "Hospitality" and the Devs should allow players to feel more welcomed and want to feel more involved over separated.


    I remember reading "We're tired of having to carry you poor weak under-geared lazy nobodies." And they were being 100% serious in their response.

    You have less people helping you and even less people that are like "New player, welcome." no greetings, "just kiss my a**." 


    Half of the people I've spoken to, about BnS, quit because of the community. That was their biggest reason, other than economy, not able to earn gold decently and ect.


    ~Here are 5 steps, to help you on your journey to being a BnS certified a**clown Boss that Gets Money because Huge PP wallet~

    1.) Atk Power is king, if you don't have a certain amount then ***, squirrel peen. If you do, Flaunt it, act like a king/queen. UwU for head pats, flaunt more, call people Oniichan/Oneesama, then tell them how much they're weak and then ask them to carry you in a dungeon, then don't help and laugh at them, if they make mistakes.

    2.) Knowing the dungeon, even if you've never been there, that's a priority.| Which is overshadowed by "You must have huge damage so we can skip every step of this dungeon or you are worthless.

    3.) Be a born expert at your class, even though you're new to it or it just came out. You're expected to know the very basics and the in's and outs of all there is to know about your class. If you mess up, Gawd help you!

    4.) Rush! Rush everything even if one of your party members can't load as fast as you and then complain if you're not the first one there and someone started before you. Either or is fine.

    5.) Troll weaker players and make most things out of their reach, then complain about people not being able to catch up to you and then call them weak because they can't Whale as hard as you.

    • Like 2
  3. I just saw that they are shutting down UE4, however; were making a BnS New Frontier.

    I would like to know more about this "New beginnings." It's just leaving us up in the air and it also means more waiting time, for a new BnS game.

    A lot of us still love BnS, but more players have been leaving due to unplayable circumstances and unwise choices, like pay to win advantages.

    I just hope people don't completely dry out from lack of content and lack of.... hospitality. 

  4. I hope that this UE4 fixes stuff for the client itself, ever since this new client and launcher, I've been having problem with my client.

    I use to be able to run this game pretty decently, but now everytime I play it it gets slower and slower, and I know it's not my computer,

    I regularly update, clean, repair anything that needs repairing and keep it up to date.


    I could run this on 5th setting, now I'm freezing at everything and I don't know why.

    It doesn't do this on BDO, Astellia, FFXIV, but here it really really hates me.

  5. Sorry but Assassin has the upper hand, those people who know what they're doing just learned a loop hole in your strategy.

    Assassins can vanish, they have so much CC, they do strong damage, their kit is super great in many ways and situations.


    You want them to make it even more harder for others to pvp you for easier win?

    That's just going to make it to were no one wants to pvp anymore.

  6. What game doesn't have a lot to do? you just want to stroll in the park and get everything one day? That would be boring.

    I think they should lighten up on some of the requirements and make it easier for all, instead of people who can afford the game but

    still, you just want it to be less things to do?

  7. I actually think Inactive accounts that has not been around for over a year and or banned accounts should not have the name they were given, or taken anymore. That way, would free up names for active people that are actually playing. It's not a bad idea but you can have a unique name either way. You can have spaces in the name and Make a first and last name, so you're not really limited to a year old name, just make a new one and play. If you still want that name, just alter it but I highly doubt NCsoft will make old names available again.

  8. 960 ap is not enough for CS, trust me. I've ran with several 1020s

    and I was the only 1200+ and even that was not enough.

    It goes well in the beginning but one the mechanics kick in, you're going to have a very bad day, if you don't have 1100+ ap at the least.

    Plus, not to mention, if you run with people who is constantly knocking the boss into the air, this too will give you an extreme disadvantage.

    You must be running with randoms, especially if those randoms don't want to listen. I had that happen, as well.

    A random kept knocking the boss up, everyone told him to stop, but he did it anyway. What makes matter's worse, he complained that we didn't kill it

    and that our ap was too weak. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Snowyamur said:

    Yeah, not to add drama, but I don't understand sarcasm. Reading online text gives me no cue for sarcasm unless I hear it in a sarcastic tone, or it's written in a sarcastic way.

    I'm pretty sure, at this point, you're just looking to pick a fight with someone you don't know while trying to insert your own point of view about a person you never met. The topic said to not install the new launcher, I simply replied It gave me no problems. You must be having a bad day, try a V8 or maybe some peppermint tea? It always calms me down.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Snowyamur said:

    Um... what @Indifferent??


    Not funny for the user currently dealing with this issue on their end @Estellia.

    It's also funny that you don't know what sarcasm is. @Snowyamur 

    Anyways, all I did was go to the old launcher, pressed play. After that, it gave a pop up, It took me to the website and I downloaded and followed directions.

    I got through it just fine, so still trying to figure out what could've went wrong.

  11. On 3/22/2019 at 5:54 AM, Lyn Thunderfox said:

    Let's say it is, on a cliché point of view. (would say "giants" for Gons)



    Also, I think it tells you about the guardian thing on the char. creation screen, tho they only describes Gon as "descendants of the dragons", while Yun inherited of the "phoenix" but I guess it's what the Vermillion Bird is, otherwise there's a slight detail change in the lore.

    Kirin is the term they're using for the Lyn.

    Gon are pretty much giants but that's because their bodies are built that way due to being the descendants of The azure dragon, It's not a cliche point of view. They're the biggest race in the game, the character can chose. Side by side against other races, you'll stand taller, especially if you're a male Gon.

    Yun is suppose to be the Vermilion Bird, not a Phoenix. They look similar, but are not the same.

    Kirin or Qilin is the ancestor of the Lyn, hence why Lyn have animal features and are more closer to nature and the spiritual realm

  12. Many people tend to not know of the 4 guardians or the four symbols that represents the 4 races, in the game, due to it being of Chinese origin and what not.

    I've heard a lot of things in game about, why Lyn have to be tiny animals, why gons are so big and can't be smaller how Yun being the nature and should have summoner. While it is true that Yun is from nature, all guardians are from nature, however; had different roles.


    The Four Symbols (Chinese: 四象; pinyin: Sì Xiàng, literally meaning "four images") are four mythological creatures in the Chinese constellations. They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger or Kirin of the West, and the Black Turtle of the North.


    1. The Dragon Represents Gon - Gons are Tall giants and are very powerful, they have strength and this is why they have destroyer! Their burning rage helps deal out the wrath of the dragon! This is why you won't actually see a Gon in the back of the crowd, unless a FM. Their Tall muscular bodies are designed for endurance and strength and they'll always feel at home smashing things and being in the front line, taking the iniative.
    2. The Vermilion Bird represents the Yun - Yun are elegant and artistic! They love beauty, this is because the vermilion bird is elegant and noble in both appearance and behavior, hence why you see the Yun like they are and their choice of fashion. This is why they're more artistic and more drawn to the arts, such as music and dance. They're suited for sword play and all things beautiful, giving it artistic grace in battle, with style!
    3. The White Tiger or Kirin or Qilin represents The Lyn - The Qilin is also known as the Chinese Unicorn and is more associated with animals! It is a chimera of sorts and is more drawn to animals and nature, it also has dragon like Qualities, however it is depicted to be a fused with a unicorn, in some cases. It's form also varies from what form it takes. It can take form and shape of several different animals, this is why its children are animals, because it has a bond with the spirit of animals. Kirin is represent by nature and the spirits of animals, so you now know why they have summoner. Kirin are peaceful and love all things.
    4. The Black Turtle represents The Jin - The Black Tortoise or Black Turtle, the tortoise and the serpent were thought to be spiritual creatures symbolizing longevity. The Black Turtle taught the black arts of the shadow to man, pretty much! This is why you see Jin as the only Assassin, because its ancestor is the Black Tortoise. It is also called "The dark Warrior" for a reason, which I already given you. Despite it being a turtle with snakes, it is very fast, cunning and agile. It uses trickery and shadows and is associated with the element of Water. One of its alternative names is The Dark Emperor of The Heavens.


    So you have

    • Strength, endurance, rage, protective
    • Beauty, Elegance, The Arts, grace
    • Nature, peace, love, spiritual
    • Shadow, agility, cunning, mysterious.


    These are the four symbols and the four guardians that you are representing, in this game.

    • This is why Gons are so big and powerful, they're the descendants of Seiryu.:mad::glare:
    • This is why Yun are only women, they represent beauty, elegance, grace, nobility and are children of Suzaku.:JinsoyunWhat::rose:
    • This is why Lyn are animals, they're nature, spiritual, in tune with nature, can speak to nature and are children of the Kirin.:please::D:
    • This is why Jins are the dark warriors, cunning, agility, fast, mysterious, tricky and descendants of the Black Tortoise Genbu.:tmi::proud:


    • Like 1
  13. Yeah, that zone is suppose to be for new players and returnees that need gear to catch up on, however; since there is gildeds there, you're going to find people

    who are not going to let you just be and will take from you, to further themselves.


    So there will be whales there in that zone and people with whale friends that want you to die so that their friends can take everything for themselves, just how BnS is.

  14. Sounds interesting, I never tried it but looks like you're having fun. I don't really care about pvp in the game. Everytime someone sees something good they want it to get nerfed just so their character can be on top again, or people get too up their own butts and discourage others to play pvp, sometimes in pve too.


    But what matters is that you had fun and it seems interesting, hope you continue to have fun with it.

  15. That's one reason why pvp was very dead, mostly returnee's that are whales do it. You really expect the game to awaken more if you can just one shot anyone and everyone who is trying to pvp and have fun? Give me a break and get real.

    People want to be able to join, learn, play while you're just looking for easy wins. Just join and play Arena, like all the other trolls looking for easy wins to some person who is new to pvp and want to try it out, instead of giving people this crap.

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