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Hongmoon Store (price and amount) need changes / update it


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first of all, this post is not for the players but for the company they are losing so many sales, at the speed they are going I am afraid that they will close the server,
and I know that most likely those who should see this post they won't even see it 

so at least i de-stress writing this


the prices and quantities feel like not have been updated since 2019, 
the purpose of selling the pw2 items (materials and more), It is so that players can advance without having to play the game for so long, but when the cost ($) is greater than 5 minutes of play it is stupid, the prices are not even on par with the in-game currency exchange. 


lest do somes examples. 


that is 6200 gold + 20 synthesis stone or 102 ncoins +the synthesis stone

and someone will say "but the price is for the synthesis stone", then the amount of synthesis stone is the problem 

for a item from 0 to +20 you will need approximately 10560 per item, that is 63360 synthesis stone (can be more if you are unlucky), so you wanna me to spend 6336000ncoins or 79200$? and it's not even an important item



another example


that is a random daily (but all are the same as bad)


  • Sparking unity (500k unity exp), if you are gifting in game millions of exp daily and now are really easy to level up the unity rank, then the pay amount need to be more
  • bound sterling crystal and sacred vial, Before, only 200 each were needed for the new evolution, back then the price was ok no good but ok, but today players will need 2000 Sterling crystal for a +11 or 24000 for +20, that is a need increase in 10x 100x but the price and amount is the same like the old days
  • oculus fragment x10, what do you think a player will do with 10 oculus? when need 20944 per item or 125664 for all 
  • transformation stone x3, a little expensive for the amount that is need it (500 or 2400 for true)  and the price in game 
  • upsurge essence x3, the last event you give hundreds of this and now they are very easy to obtain, need update the amount
  • Auto bait 300, at less put 2000 
  • oculus essence the only thing that the price is meh I think it's expensive but if you're desperate you can buy it


As you can see the prices and quantities are outdated, every new updates each time ask for more items and more materials but the price and quantity remains the same

Nobody wants to buy because it's not worth it, and it is reflected in the earnings of bns west, every Q is getting worse

if i were a shareholder or investor i would be furious, it's like whoever was in charge of that part doesn't want to see profit in BNS so that there are not enough sales and they close the server

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Yeah it is incredibly sad that the Mods/devs/Managers don't even know how much materials are needed to upgrade things.


They don't seem to know how the game actual works and functions on the upgraing, Which i just find weird, Because they are the devs and managers. 


I would spend a lot of money if they just put out bundles with proper amounts of Oculus fragments.



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