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No news


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Its been two months since we last had any news about overall game or patch notes.
Supposedly we are gonna get a new update on 22MAR (in 3 days) and we have yet to hear anything on forums or on twitter.
Only February was supposed to be the 'dead' month, even with one person quitting as GM how come no one in this company is competent enough to give at least a sign of life?
Nothing on forums/website and absolutely not even one random post on bns twitter account, its like you want the game to die already, no one puts any effort anymore in keeping in touch with the community.
Hire competent people or fire the incompetent staff, either way if you wont do anything then the game will die this year for sure if things keep going the way they have been for the past 2 months.
No updates or any sign of life from staff in any game will result in diminishing number of players which will then obviously result in the remaining players refusing to spend money in a dead game, money that you need to pay your employees and run the server.
The vast majority of people I used to play with already quit in this past month due to no updates, cant talk about EU but on NA chat is dead most of the time as well (due to the very small player base we have left now).
Don't know what else to say, any feedback would be great.

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One thing to remember is that its almost time for trove again. That's a major way to how they make their money. Trove ran on a very strict schedule for years and years and years. We got 4 troves per year, lasting 3 weeks each. 3 weeks of trove, 10 weeks off, 3 weeks of trove, 10 weeks off, and so on. They kept pretty strict to this schedule. The last trove we had was from December 7th to December 28th. Exactly 10 weeks after that end date would mean the new one was supposed to start on March 8th. It didn't. Maybe its related to the issues they mentioned with having to push the patch back. But if we don't see a trove by March 22nd, then we know. I feel that will confirm that they don't care, that they have given up, and that the game has been abandoned.

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while nobody left to care it'll stay up.


we might get a last update this month, after that we will only see old events happen again and again. it might be somewhat good to level out at the same max gear people do have and new people will have a way to catch up and experience the game anew. since trove and soulboost will not return it'll feel like old times minus the grind to run/farm BT.



while going all out I decided to keep my sincere thoughts out of this for now because I still lowkey hope we will get positiv surprise coming maint.



only lively place even in EU is the forum. login rewards don't work again. ppl perster anything with their alts and lack of understanding or rather will to learn anything. drops been patched out as it seems. so we will most likely see some content to keep ourselves busy until TL will launch in Q2.

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