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No more voice translation in future for German & France


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i´ve read in this topic:



that German & France language will be not supported anymore in the future.


I'm honest, im german. I play the game with german client. The translation from the characters in BnS are very nice, I love them.

In the Post, which I posted above is no reason called, why they don´t support the translation anymore.


  • Do the voice Actor´s don´t have time anymore?
  • Is the korean director saying, that EU shouldn´t do voice acting anymore? Because of the money, they don´t have?

@Green Storm an answer would be very nice.


The current translation in Blade & Soul is bugged. In few dungeons the translation is different. Like Brood Chamber in korean language, other dungeons in english,

some Items are france in the german client

When will this be fixed?


I don´t like this decision. Don´t wonder ppl wouldn´t play Blade & Soul anymore, because of they (not having) knowledge in English.

People play german or france, because they wan´t to play BnS with this language. It´s a shame, when this player HAVE TO hear english voices, offside of the subtitle.


It would be good, when an opinion poll or feedback thread will be created for ppl´s opinions, before decisions are made.

When you take something away from the players, you should give them something back as compensation.





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Personally i've never understood the fascination people have with dubbing things.


If someone dubbed a game or TV show into swedish i would pretty much view it as cringe or weird and just ask "Why?"


(Tho obviously stuff for little kids need to be dubbed before they start learning english around grade 3-5 in school)


English is the only language of dubbing i prefer, But that is only for games (and the only dubbed games i know are these KR MMORPGs), Because in games you can't really focus on subtitles or text boxes during combat/Gameplay But I don't want TV shows or movies being dubbed into any thing, Subtitles is good enough for that.


I also would consider swedish subtitles to be "weird" as well, and just prefer english.


So personally i don't know why German, French Or spanish (or whichever country that does this) have this fascination with dubbing or demanding dubs of every thing.

I've seen countries dub even PG-13 or R-rated movies and TV shows, Which is the most absurd thing i can think of.

Edited by Uldrum
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I have watching Animes with German Dub, thats very cringe.


Somethings, like American Films/Series or in this situation German Client in BnS.... The Voice acting is in my opinion very nice.

It´s rare to play a game with very nice and good voice acting.


I can speak english(not the best but well). But I really like the german voice acting in BnS, im sad about this change.

Aaaaand I hate the english voice acting. Sry, but this is awkward.


Everyone have his/her own opinion, and that is mine.

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