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BNS GAME overal... pls someone buy bns n/a out of korea


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I was watching old bns vids and god they where sooo good ppl where actualy trying to improve lean improvise haveing fun, when show ur skills where more important than get some points to get some usless rewards you only cared about that last week. and you can see it and goshhh i want to play it again those old bns moves where soooo technical and fluid was harder  now there is not too much room to actualy improve other than gamesense and thats it it feels slower and everyone just care about get rewards at the end of the season for the endless pve farm so they wintrade.

more than complain its just a point if you look old vids you can see the energy of trying to be the best, there are some left but they just give up to wintraders but everyone else just left gosh i wanna play angaist virus sanctioned sikks vape gummy cassis and many others again or anyone that want to be at the top no by wintradeing

but now there is no too much room for that there is all autoblocking, auto dps, auto everything it feels slower less technical and it is slowly trasforming into a SMARTPHONE game.

i tryed to comeback but cant with this... i just hope someone buy BNS out of ncsoft and give the love he deserves and NA staff could do what they think is best becouse right now and before i kinda feel like bns na wants to do changes and fixes but they dont have a voice.

i really hope bns gets buyed buy some other company and give love to it becouse thats the only way bns n/a could be fun again... it have the potencial, but that does not seem to be korean ncsoft goal.


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Am 29.7.2020 um 09:09 schrieb saeshi:

I was watching old bns vids and god they where sooo good ppl where actualy trying to improve lean improvise haveing fun, when show ur skills where more important than get some points to get some usless rewards you only cared about that last week.

Sadly thats how it is right now. I remember the time when you could que at 1800 at still get plebs as enemys. Hard que started with like 2000. Now we have players beating top 5 or even top 30 players at the start or in the middle of the season and they think they are good. People are sadly not playing serious till end of season thx to a certain company destroying pvp.

Am 29.7.2020 um 09:09 schrieb saeshi:

and you can see it and goshhh i want to play it again those old bns moves where soooo technical and fluid was harder  now there is not too much room to actualy improve other than gamesense

You can still learn Tech chase, when to iframe, how to do max dps out of your class but back then you could outplay other classes while now its not possible to outplay em depending on your class. If you play BM for example its impossible to lose to warlock or if you player Warden how are you supposed to beat archer ?

Am 29.7.2020 um 09:09 schrieb saeshi:

and thats it it feels slower and everyone just care about get rewards at the end of the season for the endless pve farm so they wintrade.

This is one of the biggest reasons PVP is dead right now. Alot of stuff is forbidden to do and people got banned for it back in 2017 but now its different. No matter what you do if it dosent decrease the income of NCsoft you will not see a single ban.

Am 29.7.2020 um 09:09 schrieb saeshi:

more than complain its just a point if you look old vids you can see the energy of trying to be the best, there are some left but they just give up to wintraders but everyone else just left gosh i wanna play angaist virus sanctioned sikks vape gummy cassis and many others again or anyone that want to be at the top no by wintradeing

There are still people that would like to be in the top rankings but they dont boother actully trying cause they know last day of season they will no longer be in top 5 unless they are super lucky. For example in EU we have like 1 or 2 WL. Best WL EU struggeled to even get 1800 rating (well class is trash) but magically at the end of season 5 no name WL you`ve never seen before got plat and not even 1900 they got up to 1960. How ? if best WL EU cant reach plat in mutliple weeks how can 5 reach plat in a single night ? NCsoft said we investigate it but well nothing happened.

Am 29.7.2020 um 09:09 schrieb saeshi:

but now there is no too much room for that there is all autoblocking, auto dps, auto everything it feels slower less technical and it is slowly trasforming into a SMARTPHONE game.

Thats a bit to simple how you put it but i agree with the message.

Am 29.7.2020 um 09:09 schrieb saeshi:

i tryed to comeback but cant with this... i just hope someone buy BNS out of ncsoft and give the love he deserves and NA staff could do what they think is best becouse right now and before i kinda feel like bns na wants to do changes and fixes but they dont have a voice.

If NA/EU wanted to fix something they would have done it a long time ago. There are things which are gamebreaking they could have changed a long time ago. For example removeing the time restrictions for 3v3 pvp i am sure KR wouldnt mind doing that if EU/NA said we need that cause its not much work to do so and it could increase the playerbase.


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