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able to reseal weapon skin an mail them to other characters


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i have so many weapon skins on my old mains its sad to see them go to waste ...and yall not dishing weapon skin no time soon ... we need a ticket or weapon seal charm to turn them to an account bound chest to send to other characters if yall let it cost like 150 nc coin per seal for 1 or 2 seal ...i know these whales will be on it like mice on cheese and me my self ..... :(  


we need weapon skins -___--

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I'd prefer to have some weapon skins on the shop as well. I've been in and out of this game since it launched, but other than the very first months, I haven't seen a single weapon skin for direct sale ever... Seriously. This game has so many cosmetics yet the shop has so little to offer (plus outfits that haven't been rotated out since ancient history). It's vexing.

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