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Arab PVP Community Tournment.


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This post is solely for arab blade and soul EU players.


Arab PVP Community Tournment!


  • Requirments: Anyone from the Middle East is allowed to Join this tournments, no requirements what so ever.
  • Prizepool: The prize pool will be discussed* check at the end of the page
  • How To Join: You can join by clicking on the discord link https://discord.gg/XtFRuZc or by commenting in the post below.



How Is the Tournament going to be:


  • Mainly 1v1 and 3v3 Teams.
  • The Tournament will be streamed.


When is the tournment Starting:


  • Will be discussed once we gather enough players on the discord.




I wanted to make this post to see the arab communities reaction to a tournament that might group us together as a player base that is spread across EU servers.


We all want a Middle Eastern Server with a decent ping, this is a good way to start it.


So am announcing (with the help of a arab bns streamer "abductionlol")


Creating a Arab PVP Community Tournment, where everyone who is arab is allowed to join, you have nothing to lose, even if you don't have a team you will be assigned with a team for you. To start off, comment below or join the discord.


*prize pool will be determined on the popularity of the tournament, myself will be donating 500 gold into the prize.

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