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Misty woods ( a trip in time) possible event idea


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heres an event idea, that sure to get people to the game a again. best for anniversary patch


- trip back in time where you go through a time portal to misty woods  and everyone has lvl 45 gear and weapon once entered you automatically become a blue or red fraction member , for equal amount of fraction member  per channel (not considering  the fraction you were already in crims or ceru , just a plain blue or a red team)


- party of 2 people can enter to be on the same fraction team to have fun along with your friends


- you kill npc to  spawn the mini boss to get event  misty token,



- killing real people from other fraction gives you a different kind of token


- tokens can be used to get the fraction mask, fraction insignia bundles , clan materials etc .


- at certain intervals a field boss will spawn that will stay for an average of 5 mins and will despawn giving the fraction team that dealt the  most accumulative damage to it/ or successful kill,  points that can be use to purchase items.


-only person who contributed will get points .


i know its not a perfect event but something like this would have people coming back to the game , who fell inlove with lvl 45 content even if its for a short period ..who knows ma b they stay afterwards if you follow it up with skill re make patch and battle royal.


its a reach but yea cant blame me for trying



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