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Battleground Buggy -___- and am not happy


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so ill just jump into this ,


first of all if they gonna make changes, do it right and think about potential consequences. i hate when they make changes to make the bad suffer and the good end up suffering also....


tonight i was in bg , i had a big lag like a good 30 sec delay then i disconnected,  started up my game my game to go in, but i first restarted my router just incase my router was the problem, i figured more than less i would not make it back to help out cause my game takes like 5 mins to start up and i was dead  so , i have to do a full res then go back in , so i didnt bother rushing into the game without router restart , as i know i will have to wait 10 minutes , as i don't have a problem with this. koooooooooooooooool


i  went back in did a wwv match, we lost, someone was dced during the match ....but would've have made a big difference anyways, after that when i hit lfp button to find a party i took my eyes of the computer for a second, not even 3 seconds to be honest , look back back to see if i got a party ..i saw this note if you leave during match making porcess you cant join for an hour ,and am like -_____________________- how could i leave during match making process if am still ingame waiting in lobby and i just did a match . i would have to leave the game completely during this process it was at 47 minutes time counting down..i disconnect but it was in the last 2 match and i was in the middle of the game not the match making process ..not the first i dc in game and had to wait, but by the time my pc starts up that ten minutes is over ..this was my 3rd match of the night too 


1st i dc in the first half

2nd somenone dc and we lost

3rd i cant join cause they claiming i dc during matching process


idk if someone who should be in our party dc during the process all i know i saw that note , so am unfairly being treated 1 whole hour out of my time for foolishness 





i was in battle ground once due to poor match making system ..we had the whales and they had the f2p people obviously they all die in seconds but they died so fast i couldn't even land a hit on any of them (feelsbadman) obviously they gave up after that, so the whales head to their base to troll them and kill the ones with hope of doing something of a miracle.


the match ended we won .....i didn't get any points or any acknowledgement, these are the kind of things am talking about....just let battleground lost and quit be the same as last time or fix it  ..people will always quit or surrender its life ...if they surrender shouldn't  be my downfall ..what if they surrender and nobody goes down at the start  the wining team gets no points ??????? wow so smart of them.


most of the time you can tell if you gonna lose before the match starts , so people give a heads up yea we losing 3 dfs to raven ...so people already surrender , dont know why they messed around with it when it wasnt a big issue, if you cant fix match system ,leave everything else alone .....


they always do this ...i remember when it was like 60 points deduction and people got dc ..and ddos at the time ruined everyone.





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The entire point is: if you do not do anything in a battleground, regardless if you loose, or surrender. If you do not try you wont get any credit, and thats how it should be imo.

They most likely decided to stay at spawn and not come down so, sorry but no credit as you did not do anything and didnt try so for what are you supposed to get points if you did nothing? Now, if they choose to surrender and you go by yourself to fight and try to take objectives, you will get some points / credit.


as for the matchmaking, they announced today with maint that they will adjust the ranks a bit so...kknowing NC this might end up being a complete disaster, but lets see what happens when the servers go live.


As for the DCing....its going on for far too long, and i agree they should fix it.


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