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NCSOFT Open your test server.


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Idk about anyone else, but it seems to me that with every update (even small patches,) there is something or multiple things that go wrong or break.  KR has a test server and with this update I think it's well past time for NcWest to open their test server to us when updates like this come around.  It's very clear that they don't test the content they are pushing out.  In streams we always here "don't pay attention to the trove icon, that's just there for testing purposes" and regarding updates "were still testing stuff out its not the final build."  So why is it that trove and rng boxes are the only updates that don't get beoken?   It's plain to see that the cash items are the only things they test, if they are under staffed and don't have the man power to test these big updates and major class changes or of they have the staff but just don't care to then they need to open the test servers for us to test it out and report bugs BEFORE an update this major goes live.  There are a host of issues with this update, the SF divine dragon bracelet and warlock VT badge issues to say the least that need fixed, rather then a hot fix or emergency maint. We have to wait a week (or a month as we've seen with other broken content) for it to get fixed, if we had access to the test server tiles issues would have been spotted and could have been fixed well before this update went live.  There is no reason that we shouldn't have access to the test server, especially when it comes to major updates and class changes such ad this patch.


The live server is not the place to have us test content, the TEST SERVER is the place for this.

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