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What to do after level 55?

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There's probably tons of questions about this, so instead of wasting time gathering all of that i'd rather ask right away for advices on what ppl usually focus on after finishing the story, im currently level 50 and lvl 5 hongmoon, still finishing the story, So what can ppl advice me to do? Im completely new so explain stuff easy to understand.

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Hello :)


I am just gonna link another answer from me here, as it is rather much to type ^^ I would just change some things (these are changes to what i wrote, so you might wanna read that first ;) ):

- do not get the legendary ring from ebondrake citadel (elmental ones are better

- do not overfarm msp, depending on how fast you are it is not really worth it... if you are not the super fast type it is ok, and if you find a group i would join it just to see what happens there, but no need to endlessly wait for groups there ;)

- form doing weeklys, you get 3 parts of the next raid soul shields, depending on class you wanna these 3 andn 5 of the orange story ones (msp) if you are mixing


that should be everything looking at it quickly right now... I would say from here you just ask what is unclear and we help you from there ;)


Am 5.3.2018 um 13:38 schrieb Annysan:

Well you got most stuff right, I try to fill in some gaps ;)


Weapon: from story is also random, you just got unlcky there ;) but buying a new one war totally right, although one should opt for 6 slots (maximum), but if you went with 5, you will most probably get the 6 slot. Just as advise for others, go with 6. Also baleful is fine for sum


As a sum, mixing soul shields depends on your element.. for wind you totally want 3 bt (raven), for earth, you wanna go 8 msp (the one from the story, can be obtained in midnight sky plains) to 8 raven, no mixing. And uhm.. I might have missed something, but the stats on pvp soul shields are actually for pvp and pve, so what excactly do you mean with better? plus you loose all the set effects for msp/raven...


For accessories you do want the purple elemental ones (dark tomb and naryu sanctum) plus bracelet, necklace, belt (in that order of importance), so you do not really want the orange ring. You also do not only need to hope for a drop, there is a token system. With 200 tokens you can buy one of the orange ones at a mercant in zaiwei (after doing 10 runs in the dungeon wich drops it originally). Plus there is a quest wich gives you250 of those tokens (the dead don't die or something like that), so you might wanna do that ;) After that you want the elementar ring/earring from bt raid, but first you have to gear up to get there, so the purple ones are fine.


Mushin did not get changed... they added some floors, but naksun still drops moonstone crystals, so if you want that ;)


Also weapon just till stage 10, then switch to raven. it is cheaper plus you do more damage ;)


I will link you another answer I gave, I explained it in detail there (I might have written there to not go raven for the weapon, that got changed recently, but the rest should be ok)


 it is a lot to read, but you can skip sections there.. the badge part is in there too. which one you need depends on your element ;) Plus if you want the new badge you can farm that in tower of infinity or buy old ones through tokens on the market ( the last season is still not available for sun points)


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  • Just hit level 55, bought the hollow acessories to start with, atm im just doing dailies but i wanna know more, like what badge or soul badge to get... What legendary acess i should be getting first? Stuff like that, i'm super new to the game and i have no one to help me understand the game as fast.  Reading random stuff isn't helping or videos because most are for ppl that are playing for along time and know most of the stuff.
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sigh, so I guess you didn't read it...

ok, I am gonna copy it directly for you, as you seem not be willing to read the detailed description where I explained all that (I am gona underline your questions) ... Also, for what badge depends on class, so hard to tell you what you need when we don't know that


- get 6 gem slots on your weapon:

If you did not get 6 gem slots by chance from the one you got from the story, go to great harvest and keep purchasing chests (light or dark, depending on class) from the merchant    next to the wheel for naryu silver. If you don't have enough naryu silver right now, DO NOT upgrade your weapon and keep buying as you can till you get 6 slots. It gets so much more expensive otherwise


- upgrade your weapon till stage 10

That probably takes a while, and sure you should go higher afterwards, just here to set smaller goals ;) and till 9 it is super cheap with void fragments (there are two upgrade path, one using weapons and the other using void fragments), but it will still take some time. It is mostly cheap in perspective, as we needed about 100 more from everything ;) after that go raven weapon


- first elemental accessories

from dungeons like dark tomb (DT) you can get an elemental ring, earring is from... xanos (naryu sanctum, NS)? I think, not sure there. it always has the same name, but a different element, so watch out for your element ;)



- soul shield combination

some classes do not wear 8 pieces of msp soul shield, as the bonus is not that great. Some wear 5 pieces of msp and 3 pieces of bt (which you get first from doing all weeklys once, raven soul shields)


- Dailies

depending on your time, try to do daily challenge, which includes ding 3 quest out of 9 (above your quest tracker on the right). The display in F8 is bugged at this moment, so you have to look at it before you enter F8 ;) Completing 3 quests gets you materials, experience charms, some gold depending how lucky you are, a daily changing loot (in 1 hour the flowers from msp), at the moment an event thingy (get to jadestone? in viridian coast to finish that) and, most importantly, solar energy. Plus gold from the dungeons itself. If you have more time, feel free to do purple dungeons. With story gear you should be fine with the looking for party (LFP) button up to foundry. Necropolis and nexus and the one under nexus are probably not so populated, you can skip them. For heavens mandate you need an orb, skip as well if not daily.


- Solar Energy

you get 4 or sometimes 5 for each daily challenge. Now what to use it for? You should aim at the badge first, as it will be actually helpful. After that, you can go for the gems (to wear, or to collect gem powder). Also badges can be bought in F5 by buying tokens there, if you have the gold for it or want a badge that is not obtainable by solar energy


- Mystic badge

in the celestial besain (where you farm peaches) you can purchase a mystic badge. Find out wich one you need and try to get it, either great damage improve or helps you out otherwise (for most classes damage)


- weekly

just like the daily challenge, there is a weekly challenge. Some people search for 1k ap or more, just ignore those groups. You can definitly join them (3. tab in the daily challenge window). For weekly you have to complete 3 of the quest. Most people do not do pvp but the mini raids. They are not that hard if you do some basic things. I am just gonna link it here, as I wrote that one down before ;) it is  in the 4th post


- legendary accessories

as you get only one token for ring/neck/belt/bracelet now, farming is easier. What you want to do, finish the quest "the dead don't die" (or something like that, you have to do soguns lament up to foundry, then 16. floor of mushin), which awards you 250 tokens. for one accessorie you need 200, so you basically already got one. You can get them in zaiwai in the market square. BUT, you need 10 runs in the corresponding dungeon. Your priority would be bracelet (Naryu Sanctum, 10 runs might be difficult, get that to a later point if not possible now) - necklace (Dark Tomb) - Belt (naryu foundry) - Do NEVER get the earring for tokens, it is crap. The ring is not really crap, but you get the next one rather soon, so no real point there. For tokens, run the easiest dungeon (If you can party protect EC, if not DT might be faster)


Of course afterwards you get to bt (skybreak spire?), but as a newbie that takes a while, so don't worry about it

You also want to upgrade your soul in the long run (first goal would be stage 6, afterwards you need uhm.. I forgot the english name ^^ anyway you get the material after stage 6 often from events, so you might want to wait there ;) )


Plus weekly description if needed:



For the weekly challanges, you might want to read up for the newer ones, but the one in khanda vihar you can enter without a second thought. It is really easy now. You can do all 3 of them, the other two just require a few more mechanics you should know. I will give a short recap:


Dawn of khanda Viha (I suppose, sorry I am not using the english client):

- enter in khanda vihar through the left entrance (at the map, more like corner left, anyway not the one up north on the map)

- kill first mini boss at stairs and take the dragon path thingy to the middle

- kill the 4 mini bosses on the sides (with others), which wakes up meganura (boss)

- get to the middle and start hitting him

- you will get a debuff that hurts you, kill one of the reds orbs around him (outer circle) and the debuff will be stopped temporarily. about 2 or 3 times you have to do that. only hit it once and only hit one of them, or it will kill you ;)

- he will get untargetable and 3 adds spawn, with 2 cc bars. use a double cc spell of your choosing or let others do it the first times, no problem there, other then that just dps


aransu school:

- right one in gunwon

-  first is a wl, just dps him and thrall

- skill KNOCKDOWN, very important

- boss has several white bars, when he gets cc-able, the pattern kd, nothing, kd, nothing is used, so first time they get free, knock down, next time nothing, and so on

- if you get hit too much by the punishment circles on the floor you die, so either walk back if he has enough health or try to avoid them. As a ranged, stand at 10 m and take a step back/to the front

- get out of other stuff on the floor, it mostly hurts ;)

- if you get in soul separation (all looks dark and you are kinda blueish), the punishment circle can't really hurt you, so no need to move there


snowjade (????, the 3. one in the list, a big asura)

- first boss just burst down and kill adds if you get to that point

- just dps, till he pulls all close (red circle)

- jump back after pull

- at the lines on the floor orbs are spawning, 2 with a pause between them. try to block one.

- after the orbs flowers like in foundry 2. boss will spawn. if you blocked a red orb and blue flowers a spawning, go for the flower, and vice versa. At this point, also giant swords are dropping in some places, signaled by circles that look like watter is flowing there (kinda), avoid them, even if you miss a flower (flowers only heal him)

- that happends 2 times, just dps the other time


If you die in any of these mini raids, just get up, you can walk back. But if the boss is low and your loading time is longer than the boss kill, don't get up, you will miss the quest.

it sounds like much, but it is not that bad once you do it. at least on my server people are asking for weekly train, so they do all 3, you should be fine in one of those groups, they are mostly alts if there are lower ones, so they know what to do. Also personally I would say, it is not a problem if you concentrate more about what is going on the first time, you will get the hang of it just do whatever damage you get in there between mechs ;)

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yes it is kinda a shock after the story, as you get handed everything there and then suddenly have to do something for it ^^

Also, it really depends on what dungeons you are trying to enter...

If you only try the recruitment on the side, where they ask for 1k ap of course you get kicked, you do not fullfill their rules, and are kinda asking them to carry you if you enter those.

That beeing said, up until foundry you can easily just lfp for everything (nexus and necropolis might not be well populated, do not wait tooo long for them) and see what group you got. Especially right now with the ap boost. at naryu sanctum groups will tend to get not so great with lfp, but with the current event you probably can still just lfp for it (even with your gear right now, as your ap gets buffed in there). I would recommend to have a quick view at mechs if you go naryu sanctum (ns), as there needs some to be done (it won't kill you if you don't (well at least only at last boss), but if you are still missing damage with the buff, it might get long)


But yeah it takes time, but i know people only playing about 1 month and a half beeing over the magical 1k ap, so no worries, you will get there ;)

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Honestly Im wondering the same thing right now im just trying to get all the outfits i can without spending irl money....i keep getting challenged by lower levels i have no idea how to get any better armor than Solak other than just High lvl party dungeons. Other than that i mean you could do the faction stuff...im just more or less angry about the story being stopped there...they should've finished it before releasing the game and the ravens peak is like SUPER HARD and i need to do a party for it but noone will join

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