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New Player - Class suggestion


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Looking for a class suggestion. I'm not going to ask the usual "which is the best" that I know everyone gets sick of.  Rather, I'm asking which you think is the best for me based on my past experiences and preference, as opposed to just throwing a bland general statement out there. I've done a little bit of research, but need some assistance in helping narrow down my options.


1. I have no interest in PVP.  None.  I'm not a fan.  Nor do I care for rogue-type classes, so it would seem that Assassin is out.  Similarly, any considerations for Destroyer are based solely on PVE viability.

2. I play tanks or support in other MMOs and typically like them.  However, BnS tanking seems much different than what I'm used to in WoW or FFXIV and more like organized chaos and reactionary blocking than strategy.

3.  I tend to like classes that aren't a dime a dozen.  This would probably take FMs out of the running as well, unless I'm mistaken.    

4. So far, I've played SF, Destroyer, Warlock, KFM and FM into at least their 20s.  I didn't care for the KFM.    

5. I really like the Gon and Yun, and am a little miffed that neither can play Warlock.

6. I like the Destroyer, but have read that its game play gets a tad boring at endgame.

7. SF is my highest character at 35, and I feel like it's missing something, or I'm just not getting it. 

8. My ping averages 150ms.

9. I haven't tried BM but am open to it if you think it may fit.  

10. Lin = No.

11. Looking for a class that's not going to require extreme gear and effort to do comparable DPS against lesser geared players.

12. I like classes with a good deal of utility and support options. 


Thanks in advance.



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I try and answer your questions ;) and hope others fill in what is missing ^^


1. good, cause neither do I pvp ^^ although sin do very good damage in pve as well and are nice for "taxi" (group transport to skip mobs) and party protect (stealth) plus they got blue buff, one of the two damage buffs in the game, so sin is not a pure pvp class at all, but of course if you do not like the paly style it is still out ^^ just wanted to clarify that


2. yeah tanking is probably more reactionary, but bosses still have patterns they do, so you actually do need to learn that to tank, so it is not just mindlessly doing damage and hope for the best ;) you need to keep him calm, block, party protect, iframe and at the same time do damage to keep the aggro. If you  normally tank, I would still  give it a go, you still might like it. As you do not like kfm, I would suggest blade master there, the other designated tank class (no blue buff, but good party protection apart from tanking).

Well there is no classical support class like healer, but some classes that are more supportive than others. These would be sf (heal, health buff, group ress) but apart from the highest raid (right now), no one really looks specifically for them, although just as any other class, it is fine to join any dungeon if you got the gear (just noone searching for them). Also Summoner (you said no lyn so they are out) and warlock. While WL does ok to good damage, they are maily wanted for their buff and highly requested everywhere. All other classes got a support skill as well in some form (be it group protect,  a grab for a new skill, or a skill reset or similar things). So you mostly got something for the group (even the highest damage class gunner has a reset for the major damage buffs, so wanted for that as well)


3. ok, no native speaker, so you like classes that are rare? or do I get you wrong here? Well if you do, there is a flood of gunners. you hardly see a sf. Also sin are rare. Tanks are always rare as well (bm/kfm). For wl it depends... sometimes you got 3 in a group, sometimes you seem to find noone ^^ the others are kinda equal I guess, but fm are definitly not the most common ( or it is just me that I hardly get them in groups, who knows ^^) but just pick the play style you like, that is more important.


5. Well we can't change that, sadly ;) 


6/7. never played destro, sorry or sf for that matter,  but for sf, did you try switching elements? maybe you like the other element better. Also some elements need certain gear to actually work, you might wanna look that up 


11. I think that kinda cuts out sum/destro? not sure there... The only class to really do more damage than some with more gear is gunner, but that is gonna be nerved kinda... but if you are looking for good overall damage, I would say fm, maybe wl (have not tried that extensivly, although it is said that ice build gets only good at high gear, maybe I am just happy as I remember my sum ^^), for the others I am not really sure, as I do not play them and I am not that into damage comparison... I think i heard bm is ok as well, but not sure


12. Well that is the nice thing here, they all got something ^^ 

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Annysan's answer covered really a lot. Ill just add a few more things:


-Destroyer needs good gear to do great damage, especially the earth element. They are weak if they are not geared, but they aren't boring.


-I dont think there is a pvp class, since all classes can pvp as well as pve (just need to switch the element for some classes and get different accesories/weapon/soul shield)


-For a sf u NEED your soul badge and some HM skills to make the class work/stronger.


-Im not sure how you think about this, but the difficulcy of the classes kinda plays an important role. The hard classes (sin/kfm/bm) need low ping and knowing the rotation u cant just spam two buttons and hope for the best. But its also more fun to play them cuz u challenge urself and use more skills. (Personally i found it boring af to level up my warlock cuz u basically use one combo, while playing with my sf was rlly fun.)


-For the BM there are two HM skills that will boost ur damage/party protect. But they need PVP to get them. So that might be a disadvantage. Its still possible to play the class normally without the skills (they arent a must).

As a BM (or KFM) u are mostly expected to tank. But u can get uded to it or go to the Hongmoon Training Room and practise there by fighting bosses.

I think u might enjoy playing the BM class, but im not sure. It doesnt require endgame gear, just low ping, and ur ping is good. If u start with tje BM it might be a very weak class in the beginning, but that changes so dw. Its rlly fun once u hit lvl 45/50.

The fire build is easier to play and does great damage. (The lightning build is more pvp or u need ur ping to be lower than 50 to be able to time the anti cancelling properly. Other than that, fire is better)

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