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Ta for now,


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First off let me say this is a great game when its working well, but even the most casual search for fps will inform any reader that I am far from the only player struggling through technical difficulties, and I genuinely hope it does not ruin the launch of the new continent. Although I cannot imagine it wont be effected, and why introduce new content at a time when your nuts and bolts are not in order.


So I had narrowed my choice of a new game, (for me) to BnS and Vindi which loaded and played out of the box. So I'll spend the next few weeks playing through that story on a toon or two before dusting off my gun slinger again and trying BnS again. I hope I've been clear that BnS wouldbe me first choice all other things being equal, but they are not, not today. 


So ta for now , hhopefully some dev sees thing and take my feedback seriously. 

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