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Tower of infinity pro tip for new players

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Dont do toi in general. Its not hard but irritating and youll want to rip your hair out. regaurdless of what floor youre on, the npc your fighting has no cd on their skills, so they can spam anything they wish. also the npc has insane mobility that no real class and pull off, not to mention retarded block mech and how parry is broken af in toi, while each class only has 1 or 2 parry pierce but its shit dps. and how they can input read what you press on your keyboard, also they can tab out of your cc's as much as they like even if its within 5seconds of each other. Just stay away, you dont need to do the place no matter what the reason is. Youll just burn through your skills and the npc will still keep going while your skills are on cd. the season and weekly rewards arnt worth it. imo, toi shouldnt even be in the game.


If you do wish to do that shitty place still, then i bid you gl. Sin's have an insane mobility in toi and is in stealth literally 50% of the fight, no to mention the spider web where they just let you sit there for 5seconds, just remember that youll take generally 3 whole minutes to kill it. BD, prepared to have an ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ who spins with tab and then plays ring around the rosie with you using q and e not to mention the 2 blade iframes that they spam also grabing you and doing nothing, prepare to waste another 3minutes generally. Destros, spin parry, long cc chain, if you tab out durning his cc chain, he goes into fury and then does the same cc chain again like magic that has no cd. WL, prepare to get leeched, sanctum, bastion, imprision, and air combo'd at last 4 times a minute each, while spamming 1 every time it reads your keyboard inputs, practically infinite parry unless youre a kfm and that wont effect you too much. SF, same deal as wl, they have a no cd 1 and can counter almost all your attacks and gets placed behind you, not to mention the infinite iframes he has and tends to run away from you when its in fm stance. FM, infinite grabs then tosses you to the wall, root over and over constantly, runs away from you whenever you get too close. BM, their cc's last twice as long and deals a shit ton more dmg then normal even if youre at a low floor. KFM, spam counter, crapton of iframe agility, and be prepared to get sucked in with his leg twirl every 10 seconds. Summner is the only good class, they spam projectile resist but thats nothing, also catpins alot but its dealable, also cat and summner has a mind of its own, unlike normal sumnrs.


Every game has something that is usually avoided and sucks, in BnS it's ToI. You wont find anyone who says they love ToI. Stay away theres nothing special about the place unless you want to exp it for the first time. Crap rewards, and a huge waste of time, not to mention its more rng and gear based then skill based. Just do arena or battleground if you want to prove youre the best. I dont think it even belongs in the daily challenge since its so crap, either you want to rip your hair out cause a npc in toi tab twice in 5sec, or half paying attention running through masts or soguns.

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I do a lot of ToI on my main and my highest alt.


Advantages of ToI:

- Fast quest if on daily challenge
- Extra rewards each week and end of season
- Fast rewards by win once / lose 2nd
- Only way to get Challenger Set which is still top for most 6v6 SS until 3rd 6v6 comes out
- Easiest way to get badges

To a certain extent the floor you get to is gear carried, as long as you follow the strategy of combining a CC build with your strongest damage burst. Of course, you also need to use the right gear:

- Skill reset weapons
- pierce, elemental and debuff damage
- right SS/badge/skill spec combination for a strong burst
- some HP / crit def so you don't die on higher floors

If you don't need a skill modifier 3 set like Raven SS, you can get a decent SS simply by combining 3 challenger and 3 Sparring from ToI itself. That can lift you up to floor 60+ if you have a Raven or Ascendant weapon. Getting two pieces of debuff jewellery will boost you further still.

There's really not much art to ToI fights once you are fighting with fast skill resets. The AI is not very clever at using escapes, so you can usually just place a short burst after each CC and skip lengthy CC chains.

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