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Minimum bidding gold requirement - Remove it


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I still see people get baited when the party leader sneaks to change min.gold requirement during fight, making careless players pay dozens to hundreds of gold for misc items. Not everyone is fast enough to quit the party (some don't even know that they  can), or greed gets intensified and the whole party quickly passes the item so that they can gain extra gold from poor victims.


Personally, I don't think min-bid is necessary. In days of Naryu Labyrinth, people use this to prevent petty copper war on Nayru pieces. Nowadays, however, it is very rare to see copper war, as people are now more generous with their silver/gold. If anything, min-bid is exploited by bad players to trick naive players.


Before saying "It is the players' own fault for getting tricked", remember that is it the culprit's malicious behavior that causes such grief. It is like saying that people stop travelling so that thieves won't take the chance to steal from their houses. Or stop making fences in difficult cliff roads, since it is the driver's fault to fall of the cliff. If something can be prevented, let prevent it instead of making more chance of having victims and culprits. [moderated]


The suggestion here is just disable setting min.gold requirement for bidding so that no one can exploit it anymore.


To prevent copper war, do it yourself by throwing in a single 10 silver. Most of items people bidding nowadays cost more than 10 silver, anyway.


Edit: Before you said, "There is no way, cuz it is how the system is designed", the change actually happened once before. 


It was when people set the loot rule to ninja loot way back to the age of lv45 dungeons. NCWest has changed it so it is no longer possible.

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