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64bit fps lag


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hey everyone, i know this kind of topic comes up every once in a while but this is really something im not used to.

so ive been playing in 32bit cause as you all know, loading screens and launch time are pretty short, but in the meantime i get fps lags, (+ map parts took a while to load and etc) which i could handle for now.  i tried 64bit just out of curiousity in the other day, and i was shocked how better it was performance-wise. map loaded immediately and the regular frame lags just disappeared.

its been like that for like a couple days or maybe a week. in the past days, it became hell.. at every engage my dps dropped to 5fps and it kinda lasted until soulburn.. and every loading screen is 3 minutes, people tend to think im leeching.

i tried everything, graphic settings, ive seen every tweaking guide, nothing helps. i guess my specs are not relevant, because i HAD the good performance before, and i kinda want it back, im okay with the longer screens, but i dont want to stand like a noob sh*t with 0fps everytime a tank starts.


also, my gf gets 800ping in TOI, then when she exits, it goes back to normal 100-120.  is anyone experiencing that?


thanks for reading, bigger thanks for any input.

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