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Farming soul badges for gunner


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This has probably been said before but, how are we expected to farm badges for gunner?  Even for a new gunner to get a badge that is most useful to him, it requires old seasonal tokens.  The only way to get these tokens is through F5 and "sometimes" F10 with specials.  But, these tokens costs 30g each and I need 90 of them.  Even if I had premium and only needed 70 of them, that is still 2.1k gold total to get a badge that is essential for me.  I know that there was an badge event, but it was total RNG.  Out of 8 alts that I did, I got 1 permanent badge for the duration of the event.  So, how am I supposed to upgrade my gunner's gears and at the same time get a badge which costs more then getting my weapon to baleful stage 12?  It just seems pretty much impossible to progress in getting any sort of soul badge for my gunner.

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1The system Ncsoft handles in this game regarding tokens is crappy.
I have suggested a better system months ago, but was ignored by the developers. 

We are not able to rotate in TOI due to the fact that Ncsoft runs behind the original game and thus the TOI will just get new badges instead of rotating the seasons like it has to.

Best way is having an exchange system to exchange current tokens for previous tokens (two seasons back).

but Ncsoft likes whales. 

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1 hour ago, Hirukaru said:

We are not able to rotate in TOI due to the fact that Ncsoft runs behind the original game and thus the TOI will just get new badges instead of rotating the seasons like it has to.

Wrong. Seasons didn't repeat in KR either, they always got new badges after a season, just like we do. Though I kinda agree with your last point. They should just make ToI drop some tokens you can buy all badges with.

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