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warlock dragon helix help

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so I have a lv 35 warlock and I've been trying to practice the rotation. at some point, instead of going Dimensional Charge, my RMB changed to Dimensional Salvo for like 6 seconds and it let me spam RMB + Dragon Helix. I can't remember which skill sequence I used and how I got the Dimensional Salvo not turning into Volley or Charge so if anyone can enlighten me, that would be of much help.

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Maybe you are using pvp RMB and someone stun/air the boss.

Otherwise you cant do that at lvl35. You will be able to use soulburn for that effect at lvl45+. And you can get a similar result if you get primal sould badge (that lets you cast salvo after each helix while siphoned), but it's too hard to get for a beginner.

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2 minutes ago, 881392_1452550480 said:

Well I was in Hongmoon Training Room. The boss wasn't stunned or in air. I remember I got that 2 times but I can't figure it out how I did it. Maybe was a bug but honestly I don't know.

As i said - there nothing that could make you cast salvo constantly other than using pvp salvo on a stunned/air enemy.


Also just a tip: while you are leveling up and fight vs a lot of trash mobs along the way - it is better to use pvp RMB and spec your x to stun, 3 to daze and 2 to airborne. Combo your mobs in pvp style - it will be faster and more fun to play than with a standart pve build. I just recently made my second warlock and i had a blast comboing and killing all those mobs that way. This only works vs trash mobs so after you finish the main story line and get to 50+lvl dungeons - you will have to swtich back to pve build.

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