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Exploit/bug/cheater report!


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I just used a reset to play Cold Storage a 2nd time a while ago, because I wanted to farm Freezing Orbs for my WL alt, who has around half the orbs she needs to get the Starling outfit from the vendor at the end of CS. My party was basically held hostage by the party leader, who DID NOT come into the dungeon from the cross-server matchmaking area until AFTER we had already waited on him and THEN killed the boss. How did he hold our party hostage, you ask?

He kept bidding on EVERYTHING, along with one other player, but the bid amount NEVER increased beyond the TWO copper coin mark. Between those two players, they bid back and forth, every 15 seconds (or whatever it is at the end of the timer bar) for over twenty bids and the amount of copper NEVER changed.

I told them that if neither one of them owned up to it, that they'd both be reported for exploiting the bid system. Neither owned up to it, but one gave up, leaving me to bid against the "bot" player.

The person I bid against was risking NO money at all, while my own bids increased the amount of the bid "pool" of money that would be distributed between everyone who was still in the party, once one of us would win the bid.


I couldn't find any kind of report function by right-clicking his name, so this is how I'm reporting this crappy activity.

Here's a screenshot of his profile:




I'm not sure why the "Insert other media" button's functions won't let me post the pic from a URL. Is it because it's an Imgur URL or something? I had to jump through a few hoops just to figure out my old login info on that site.

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