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Dawnforged Gauntlets vs Raven Gauntlets [KFM]

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Because Dawnforged have the same 5-stack reset like Raven, shouldn't upgrading to Dawnforged have equal DPS boost like upgrading to Raven or just a little bit lower but still viable? Dawnforged also gives a 10% damage boost to Cyclone Kick while Raven gives 185% additional damage on the same skill at Stage 3.

I can be wrong ofcourse, that's why I'm asking^^


Thanks \o/

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+185% AP as element works out much stronger than 10% skill damage, especially if you already have skill damage increase to cyclone kick from soul shields.


Of course both are viable (heck I am  playing with a Seraph 7 without problem), but you will notice the difference if you have a Raven...

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