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Lost at beginning of Endgame

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So I have a FM and BM at lvl 50 and they are with finished with main story up to Act 4. I was trying to start my run into end game content, but it seems that no one is running the early endgame content anymore (the blue dungeons and lower lvl purple dungeons of Silverfrost). I was wondering if anyone can fill me in on to what I can do to lvl up further because I feel stuck just doing the basic dailies 

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Continuing the story line up to and including act 7 will give you quite enormous experience and gold boosts, which is what you likely need to do the more ambitious dungeons beyond Sogun's Lament. But Gloomdross and Shattered Masts should be fine already, also Midnight Skypetal Plains and later when you reached that far story wise, the weekly Dawn of Khanda Vihar.

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