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Dawnforge or rift?


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I run a earth build summoner currently with a stage 6 (soon 7) Baleful. I've been reading on the forums that people are suggesting seraph for earth build so was wondering which of the new ones I should be looking at. I know Raven is the chosen path but well.. I honestly don't expect to do spire until the nerf hits. I'm in a small clan, have no plans of EVER joining a big clan (to much drama) and no way in hell i'm paying hundreds of gold for a spot in a big clans raid. 


So which would be a better route? I have really good DPS with baleful, EC/ Yunsang ss and no charms (working on them right now.. a few medals short of one and well.. a lot of flowers) 

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Your ping? Take in-game ping and minus 60-70 will show your real ping.


At 200 ping+, Dawn < Rift < Raven. You rely more on Nettle damage, so throw Nettle as many as possible is your priority


At 200 ping-, Rift < Dawn < Raven. Your Sunflower is your main damaging skill, even with MSP 8.


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