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[Quality of Life] Please improve 'F' grouped skills


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This problem has been in the game since forever and really needs fixed but why can't we rebind skills onto other hotkeys?


For example, using shadow build in TOI is an absolute menace. On our 'F' we have three skills: knee, grab and galeforce.

Often it is hard to land galeforce unless an enemy is standing still (like when CCed). But what's the point when you cant even use galeforce when the enemy is CCed since grab takes presidence?


So here I am chain CC the enemy. I use F into knee to daze the enemy. I'm low on focus and HP and need to use galeforce to recover HP/focus but I simply cannot use it because Grab 'F' takes priority. Thing is, I don't want to grab because that breaks the whole CC chain and in some instances it's an absolute no to grab enemies (Blade dancers and BM's will knock you back when grabbed, KFM's will freeze themselves).

Can we please allow rebinding of skills especially on F? I lose out so much DPS, focus and hp recovery by not being able to use galeforce F because grab takes priority.

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