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Patching error March 22, 2016


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For about a week I have had crashing issues with BnS..

Its been a year since I let Windows and other programs update files.. Instead of enabling their update programs, I did a drive wipe on C: reinstalled Windows 10 home and all of its wonderful updates, all the hardware and their updates, all the security and antimalware programs and updated libraries, reinstalled BnS and inserted my player files fromt he old BnS installation. This process was roughly 22 hours.

I placed a ticket and the GMs have been assisting me in resolving the issue.. a week later.. It helped, except when I did the patch this morning I get another error..  Patcher wont continue, patcher wont send report, patcher saves file to a folder that is inaccessible.. 

http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii518/SamanthaBunnie/B.N.S. Error patcher 3.22.2016_zpsxrgfguak.jpg

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