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Suggestion: Soul and Pet Account Bound?


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 I am usually a lurker rather than a poster, but I have been thinking for quite some time to create this topic and since I am bored to my guts at the moment at work I believe now is the right time. I have been playing BM for now what 3 years + ? , pretty much fully geared but as you can imagine after playing one class for so long no matter how much you love it, it becomes boring. So I decided I need an alt, I need something new to push me into the game again like it did few years back right. So I leveled an alt in like a day to hm 5. Had absolute blast (except for the last couple of hours because I just wanted to get my hands on the dungeon with my alt). Now, I have seen many topics before starting from the early beginning of how alt unfriendly the game is. Usually at that point I used to ignore them because I simply didn't care. However now I understand what people meant. I haven't been up to speed of how bad it used to  be and if it is better now (saying that I do recall some announcements that some items have been made account bound which I just again simply ignore since it didn't concern me at that point). I was quite happy i was able to transfer few left over flowers so I can get some legendary bopaes, I was happy I could transfer my gems between chars, I think this is super cool simply because those gems are only obtainable from events / trove / rng boxes etc. however boy was I surprised when I saw that the very MOST expensive items which is literally impossible to get maxed on one char let alone a second one if you are not an absolute pay to win hero are not account bound - Pet and Soul. I was gobsmacked. This kind of... basically restricts you to progress a bit further, because do you just focus on one char, and just like ... let the other alt just sit there and smile at you since you know you still need materials because new stuffs are coming every say 2 months, or do you just start from ground 0?

So please reconsider your list of items that can be account bound. I hardly doubt anyone with their right mind would consider investing £2000 only so they can enjoy the game with a different class.

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not only I agree I also want the system to go back to be as it used to be with the pets to have it with the full bonuses of better hp def and hp recov/other buffs it gives you when it reaches ultimate... and not waste 30g or more if you want to "skin" your aura with a new cool pet -.- it's just absurd -.-

I bought an otter for somewhat "cheap" thinkin it will progress and make my hp higher...

it had no aura = it's basically poop -.- so I farmed mandate to get aura... and now that finally have it :D ... got more important things in mind before upping it like getting my wep to legend state... and I'm quite close on mats just missing the premium stone... the rest I can buy since have the flowers.. + farming money to simply getting my wep to seraph/baleful won't be too hard.. :c


but the pet is a HUGE "upgrade" to my hp in general since my hp currently sits on the 63k+- ... haven't gone DT, ebon yet so hp really low XD + since started farm msp my soulshields starts lose all efficiency to my states lol if my pet was even just awaken stage 1 my hp was quite decent :\ +idc what some of my clanm8s says "you can run msp with less than 50k easy" -.- MAYBE >_> ! but you will die far more often by the turtles if your hp is under a min of 70k I'd say ! >.< not talkin bout the first stages more like stage 4+... coz of the poison.... and I'm not entirely sure of the mechanics to that 1 + if there's a way to get rid of the poison (friend told me there was but since never actually ran it WITH him... I'm not sure what was it to get rid of the poison :D )

+the defense addition you get from the pet/aura... is critical the higher tier dng you enter... it benefits you with easier counters blocks dodging and simply taking much less damage from stuff/bosses lol


and if the pets/auras would become account~bound... O____O would be a bliss ! :D

but I highly doubt it will EVER happen since it's easiest milking~cow ncsoft has since takes ages to reach the ultimate ulti pet/aura with all the buffs... ^_^

why would they ruin what's best profit to them and best benefit to the players :D?

(however some whales would spend thousands on trove so....)

maybe there's still hope!

doubt it...

but hope :c !


if I could add additional QQ to this thread and QQ bout the prem stones and the mats to make a seraph/baleful... :o as a FREE player that DOES NOT use the cashop... :o and my only in~game money income is from daily dngs... sometimes crafting too.. lol 

if there was an easier way to farm honory ornaments... even moonstones... +if the rng + cost to making prem stones wasnt so high... o.0 and such low chance of making them... maybe I'd start farm and make prem stones myself :o

and another QQ ~ sacred oils or w/e they called for soul progress ! ^_^

how d fuq we get em cept cashop? <_<

it seems to cost too much to try transmute them?

if I could craft it with some of the crafts the game has to offer.... for reasonable mat~amount + price over~all... I'd appreciate it o.o


k QQ time over hf in game :D

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