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Extra "Additional Slot Voucher"...


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I have an extra "Additional Slot Voucher", and I already have the maximum amount of character slots. I got this from the bundle with the 1st anniversary event coins, and it stays in my "rewards" inbox. I can't sell it to a vendor for even one copper. Do I just delete the mail or is there a way I can salvage this, like sending it to an alternate account (One of my own, of course.)?

I have a feeling I'll end up just having to delete it. It feels so wasteful, like getting extra head accessories in MSP, clogging up inventory, but not being able to salvage them for mats - just sell for one copper.


EDIT: Oh, I guess I CAN'T simply delete that rewards box message that the voucher comes with, as if it were an unwanted in-game email. So anyway, please, fix this too.^^;

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