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Troubles with party chat


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I wonder if anyone else is having problems with party chat lately. The last 2 or 3 days it hasn't for me, to the point that someone had to whisper to me telling me off for not replying to a question that was asked, which never even showed up on my chat box, also I always say "Thanks for the party" at the end of quests but when I type it in a press enter, it doesn't even show up! At first I thought I was being muted but I can type in normal chat and it pops up just fine. 

I wasn't going to put this in the bug forum as I don't know if it is something I have done or if it is the game acting up so I thought I had better check to see if anyone else has been having trouble with it lately. I did see some players say it was about this "Ping Zapper" thingy...I have NO idea what that is so I don't think it is because of that (but if someone could tell me what that is then I can check it out).


P.S Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

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ping zapper is a ping reducer, so unless you are using it it probably has nothing to do with your situation.


Sometimes when i get my routine combat lag (please fix this ncsoft!) it takes a while before stuff in my chat box box actually shows up. Maybe that's your problem?

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I encountered this bug many times, when only genaral and whisper chats work for me. It happened on arena, cross-server dungeons and on the battleground. But I use tunelling software (can't play without). This issue has something to do with B&S architecture and network: as I read ealier, chats work on separate servers from the game, so it is possible that your connection to the game server is ok, while connection to chat server are gone. But that's just an assumption, probably its something else.

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