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Tips for a bad Destroyer

Koko Occult

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I have started Pvping with a destroyer which is now my current main.

I was wondering if anyone can share some tips to help me. I cannot seem to lock down anyone and get cc'd hard as a counter. It seems I have a difficult time with all classes. I got to 1500  but cant seem to keep it (in solo arena)

I know how to AA cancel but Im not the greatest at it and it seems when ever I do get a good cc on someone they just trinket out of it anyway and I end up blowing another cc on a resisted state.

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Well, I'm not playing a destroyer but all classes can use this - you have to bait the trinket if you want to cc-lock them. Don't use your best skills until they waste their trinket - but keep dealing enough damage so they have to use it. Save a few ccs for when this happens. Pay attention to their trinket animation - and don't hit too soon into it, because it will resist. Try timing your cc differently if you want to immediately lock, however the other players could use i-frame, block, etc. At this point trinket has a 36 sec cooldown? and that is plenty of time to cc them again - it is important to get used to your cc duration so you know when to extend your cc. When you lock them down, use your preferred buff and ani-cancel away. It also seems good to use pull and then cc in lower pvp ranks, I haven't been to higher since I don't play as much.

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Watching streams is really good for learning. Well as long as you understand what they are doing in the first place. Since you´re not even getting gold now you probably have to learn a bit more basic stuff about yours and every single other class in the game to even get what they are doing.


Anyways i know 2 destro streams on eu. I´m not a destro myself.

Mr. B. (pretty much best destro on eu): https://www.twitch.tv/naderias/profile

LeeteX (mr. b is technically better, but you can learn a lot from this guy too, i´m sure and he streams more often): https://www.twitch.tv/makesucry/profile


I would also tell you to read up some abilities on bnstree.com, but since the last rebalance patch the site is pretty outdated. It might get updated some day.

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