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Why is black sun outfit worth so much?


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Why is this outfit worth so much? People actually buy that outfit, for 500g? Is this a joke? Lol I honestly think it's the ugliest outfit in the entire game, For that amount of money you could easily get 4-5 outfits in the cash shop that don't make it look like you're wearing recycled metal plating. Do you unlock skills after wearing this outfit or something??

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Yeah, just that it's rare.


Also, trade-able outfits in general are astoundingly uncommon (actually... Black Sun might be the ONLY trade-able outfit. I can't think of any others.)


For that matter, it's a palette swap to begin with and there's 2-3 outfits that are the same exact thing in a different color, but they're all dark so there isn't a huge difference. 



As for your opinion on the outfit, personal taste is personal taste, after all. But even that aside you could probably agree that certain characters look better in some outfits than others. If you're going for a "cute" character or pretty character yeah, it's a pretty poor outfit choice, but 'recycled metal plating" sounds like  practical choice of clothing for a warrior that runs around the world punching demons to death, so yeah, people going for a certain character look DO want to look like they're wearing recycled metal plating.

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