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An Opinion to Developers about PvP


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I would like to write my opinion, I am not the one who feels the same about PvP.
Clearly I really like the game otherwise I would not write this.
Yes I am aware that the PvP except in battle grounds is "balanced". Yes the stats are balanced, but this still not makes it balanced. It is not enough.

First of all the higher the difference in HM level the more advantage you have:
hongmoon skills (which require more skill ponts to use), experience. So if you are HM1 and play against for example HM10 you have a very little chance to win. This is not balanced. There should be some sort of a matching system no to let this happen.

Secondly, which the major issue, the different skills of races. I have a friend, he is a very skilled player, started to play with soulfighter and then he realised also. Against certain races he has almost 0 chance, not because of he is a bad player, not because of stats, but because of this:

Some races start with huge advantage against others only because of the skills they basicly have, which is OK in pve, but not at all in pvp. Some races have too much heal, some have skills which counters too much, or gives too much invulnerability. 
Thats why there is an unoffical list of weak and strong pvp races (soulfighter is the weakest), which points out: balance does not really exists. 
There should be some sort of a skill balancing also, nerf or change only for PvP, which would let others also to enjoy playing against others.

I hope there would be some solutions regarding this in the future. Have not tested the new balance changes yet, which comes in the Desolate Tomb update, but I am sure it still won't solve the problem.

Thank you for your attention and reading all of this.

Have a nice day!

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lol sf weak





sf can heal a ton,  counter, teleport , freeze, melee, range... yeah super weaksauce


so you want to win against someone that farmed for months to get his hm skills and hm lvls wthout any extra effort while you ignore all that time invested ... while playing a mmorpg? srsly? no rly , srsly?


every class has its counter, except maybe thsoe who spin to win, but yeah every single class need to get more skilled agains 1 or 2  classes in order to not cheese throw the entire arena


balance from NC? hahahahahahahahaha

just look at the current patch notes 


balance yeah right

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I don´t mind giving everyone every hm skill and hm15 in arena. R.I.P. excuses and i´d have an easier time playing alts.


Soul fighters are not bad, but most play bad. As a sin they are (usually) really easy to defeat, but that´s really mostly because they play really really bad against sin. I´ve had a few matches against radeyz sf and he actually plays just ... *SOOO MUCH* better against sins than any other sf i´ve ever played against.

Against 99.9% of all sfs it´s SOOO *cricket* easy to win. Against sins they really need to step up their game, or they will stay that 'unfavored'. Currently i can tell you most sf loose against me and they absolutely deserve it as they just play terrible against sins. I have no idea witch class is actually favoured at this point as i just didn´t fight many good soul fighters and my sf is not even lvl 50...

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