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Dont QQ so much...


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Hi, first off i have time to play 2 hours a Day , sometimes i have no time at all or i dont wanna play :) 

Secound i dont understand why ppl QQ so much about moonstones. I mean y-day i was doing  ssp dailys and i stayed same chanel. Then some Group came when capturing was started, but its Time it was diffrent. Those ppl killed all big A§§ bosses in Ssp each time they spawned. Each of them drop Box with keys. When times came out to do stage "Battle" i had more than 10 keys in inventory. So why u ppl just dont do it like this Group instead u cry and cry and cry? I did ssp many times and just y-day i have this pleasure to meet  this guys. Sry for my Bad english and i Type from cellphone. Kind regards


P.S. if i only had so much free time like some off you ppl ( all Day long) i would make 100 keys daily easy with Group like that. So once again dont QQ, just do it ;p

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yeah, thats what i meant too.
Ppl were farming all the terrors (or however they are called) and i end up with 3-5 keys most of the time ...

Sometimes this is also because i dont deal enough dmg to get a chest in the first place (550AP)

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I have 530 ap and i got Box everytime. Anyway i have seen till now only ppl was killing those bosses what was attacking during mining fase and during capturing first boss, sometimes boar at the end and then cry about keys/moonstones. As i w rote eariel i wish i had all Day long for playing, 100 keys+ :(

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Game is dead cause ncsoft killed it with poor player base vision, QQ or not that's the point.
Literally there are ZERO players or maybe 1/2 in the first areas of the game, and when there are not new player but only "old" ones the game will die,  like when in a country you have zero birthrate.

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I'm one those people that hunt terros with my group but you are missing a very important factor in this game: RNG. Rather game is all about it. I opened 94 boxes and got 7 keys from them and those boxes have very low drop rate. 

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