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Voice chat


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Can we get a voice chat for party's or friends, it wood help when farming hard bosses with out the need of outside content. Ik someone is gonna say is a bad idea for an mmo for the amount of people in it. But it can work if they make the sound limited to 8m, that way the players won't hear other players all the time spamming there ears, and wipers can be use a a private chat, Cuz typing is kinda hard wile playing. Allso it can be optional to use it.

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Imo it's a horrible idea, to try to integrate voice chat into games.. 

WoW did it.. but no one ever use it, because it is utter shit compared to actually using discord or TS.. or any other 3rd party voice comm.


I don't know what you mean with you asking on behalf of your clan.. ask them to join you on discord.. how hard is that? and if they refuse, what makes you think they would be willing to use a crappy ingame version?

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I did ask them, and they replyed that they war scared of getting a virus, I called them stupid for it but there really not gonna get discord, insted they asked me to post this. Ik wow has a shit voice chat but is an old ass game, and I'm thinking of going back to solo play.

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