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Dumpster KFM, tips against BMs

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It is my worst of the worst matchup, they can just do shit load of dmg with out even being in tab range with blade call for example, their hm block rapes me, and they spam block, but when I try to triple kick they q/e/ss and punish me. Also their ground game is just disgusting.

TL;DR. Need tips on how to improve my overall gameplay as a KFM against BM, how to spec my skills, what to look out for, what to punish and what not do.

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I recommend using firestorm kick against bm's, since its nearly impossible to get a triple kick on the good ones. With this skill you can be outside of their q/e range and stun them to get an opener to hopefully start a combo.

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43 minutes ago, JadeEyes said:

I recommend using firestorm kick against bm's, since its nearly impossible to get a triple kick on the good ones. With this skill you can be outside of their q/e range and stun them to get an opener to hopefully start a combo.

BTW I just did some search correct me if I'm wrong but KFM has 2 dazes, 2 stuns + 1 that has to be procd. While BM has 4 stuns and 4 dazes that they can use anytime? Wait a minute O.O. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Usually BMs have


- Dash, Charge stun (Basic Stance)

- Flicker, frontal AoE stun (Draw Stance)

- Parry Block, but BMs generally don't take it if they have the HM version



- Anklebiter, cone AoE KD (Basic Stance)


KD or stun on defending target

- Boot, melee target KD / stun on defending target (Basic Stance)



- Shoulder charge, target, frontal aoe, or target charge (Basic Stance)

- Lunar Slash, circular aoe daze around the user (Basic or Draw Stance)

- Lightning Retribution, aoe daze centered on target (Soulblades Stance)


Daze + Knockup on stunned / dazed target

- Pentaslash, can be specced for daze, or daze + knockup on stunned / dazed target (Draw Stance)


Pull or KD

- Soaring Falcon, range skill, can be specced for pull or KD, generally pull(Basic Stance)


Knockback + KD after KB or Dmg AoE

- Flock of Blades / Bladecall (Basic Stance) (both put BMs on soulblades stance)


CC Refresher

- Raid, charge skill (Draw Stance)

So it's more like 2 stuns, 2 KDs, 3 Daze, 2 knockups, 1 Pull, 1 KB or Blade Call, 1 CC Refresher

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