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How to be good at pvp?

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Low ping. 

Like many other classes, FM needs to rely on good ping to maximize performance or else all you do is just CC and low damage output.

If you don't have a good ping then don't bother being in Arena competitively first of all, you will hit a ceiling sooner or later with bad ping.


If your ping is fine then that should be skill issues. You will need a lot of effort to put into FM, as you progress further in rating, you will find more and more bullshit tactics, e.g. hit and run, especially from Assassin.

But we honestly don't know what do you bad at. Elaborate it further maybe.

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I personally consider under 150 as low. I'm currently at 300+ms ping average.

I've played around 200ms before but not anymore as of now and that's the last time I reached Platinum rating unfortunately. 


There's a huge difference, with lower ping, you can potentially save yourself from CC/ high damage skills with just an additional second.

With high ping, you are probably eating that damage as a result, you can hardly perform double air combo in an actual battle because our skill reaction is too slow in high ping. you dealt lower damage in a period of time because your attack speed is dragged by ping in a way.


Secondly, depends if you have HM skills or not, having it certainly increase your performance.


We can still play PvP for dailies even in such condition but playing it competitively sounds quite impossible. Then again, its pretty discouraging but nothing can be done due to geographical issue being the main factor here... 

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I feel with you, arena is not very newbie friendly at the moment.

 Currently the reward structure and high proportion of experienced players means that the arena population is small with high average skill. So you run into people with 200+ matches experience already in silver rank.

You are probably better off sparring with friends first, ideally those that have a little bit more PvP experience than you. Have a look at PvP skill builds on the internet. Many skill choices will probably surprise you and give you a new perspective on strategies. Generally arena focuses a lot more on CC and iframing, and "blowing the opponent's TAB". So eventually you will need to memorize opponent class's animations to properly exploit their weaknesses.

Going arena is no just something like deciding you want to try Avalanche Den for the first time. It basically starts a new game mode, and you can spend just as many days and weeks learning it as you do learning PvE dungeons and bosses. ^_^

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