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Can anyone share there tips and trick for pvp

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I just started this game fews day and now im lv 50 hm1 no hm skills as force master  


I got rekt all the time cause enemy they got resist or evade all the time, i dont know what to do :P        


so if anyone have any tips and tricks please share

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Only what you need is pay 3rd corporation fee for latency program cuz ncsoft is not capable run arenas on server without latency issues for f2p players. better go play other game and not support anymore ncsoft till they fix that fraking latency issues.

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6 hours ago, Fllow said:

Only what you need is pay 3rd corporation fee for latency program cuz ncsoft is not capable run arenas on server without latency issues for f2p players. better go play other game and not support anymore ncsoft till they fix that fraking latency issues.

What an useful advice......


On topic: to start things off, realise that this game's pvp is very hard, in general (some classes are easier to play than others). There are a LOT of crowd controls (stuns, dazes, knockdowns, etc) and skills that makes you resist damage and status effect (called "iframes"). You need to know the difference between all the CCs and what you can do about them: there is that nice guide which can help you a lot for basics.


Unfortunately for (or not), you chosed one of the harder class so don't expect to "own" people easily. It's gonna take time.


Now, to beat your opponents, you need to know what they do to you. So what you should do, is watch some basic guides on every other classes' most important skills on the internet and/or check a site called "Bnstree.com" where you can look at every other class' skills. There are no miracles; if you want to become decent, you will have to learn or at least recognize all the other skills and simply play a lot so you get used to your class and react faster to what's happening in general.


More concret things which can help you when you learn more about the game:

1) buy "martial tomes" from the Hongmoor store (with NCoins or Hongmoon coins) so you can switch between builds against specific classes (those are pages that you can add in your skill page).

2) watch fm streamers, youtube Videos and look what combo they do/how they play.

3) play, play and play ;)



That's about it for starters. Have a nice ride with this awesome pvp :)


P.S. Don't bother about HM levels and HM skills for now. The force master can do a lot already without the need of HM skills but keep in mind that not every HM is good for your class so be sure to check before you buy any.

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B&S arena checklist:


- set up your video settings to maximize fps (careful, effect = 3 are needed for some displays), increase viewing distance, switch off cinematic camera


- switch to a PvP skill build. If you cannot find one on the web, let the game place points for you


- carefully check the whole build and understand when to use what skill and why. With time your build will evolve with your knowledge


- optional: do some warm-up sparring with a friend, or in tag match 3v3


after entering match:


- check enemy class. Adapt your skills to that class if you know how


- spend remaining seconds thinking about how to start, what to look out for with that opponent class


during match;


- no button mashing. Even if you win, you won’t know how you did it, hence won’t be able to do it again


- If something happens you don’t understand, you will probably lose. Be happy, because now you know about a gap in your knowledge. Look up on what happened on the web, or figure it out by hard thinking. Do this right after the match, while memory is fresh


between rounds:


- reskill if you have alternative builds, just to find out which one works better


after the match:


- reflect on the whole match. What went well, what could have gone better. Did you notice obvious mistakes? (by yourself, by opponent)




- do not play too late in the evening when you are tired


- reserve a decent amount of time for arena (60+ minutes), you will play better after a few matches to get into the moves again.


- stop arena once you feel you are getting worse and worse. No great learning will take place any more then. Rather start fresh next day. You can still PvE to relax. ;)

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