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arena questions


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Hey there, I played this game in beta for awhile. I stopped playing before release and went back to my old game (wow). 

Over there I mostly played arena and did wpvp, Got bored with the game and wanted to find a new mmo to play. I remembered how refreshing the combat was for bns, decided to watch a couple streams and convinced myself to come back.

I had a couple questions about arena though, and just in general - and was hoping for some help. 

1.) Is there anything wrong with playing a blade dancer? I don't mind getting crap for it, but I don't want to play something that is insanely op. How are they atm for 1v1? Which will lead me to my next question..

2.) What would you consider to be the most challenging for 1v1 arena? If I decide to follow through with the dancer, I'll probably also pick up another class and would want a challenge. 

3.) How hard is the climb? I know in wow when you started hitting 2200ish it could get rough with mmr and stuff only gaining small amounts of points and tanking more than you gained. 

4.) Any tips? Couldn't find as many streams as I would like to pick from, but any suggestions or videos or anything to watch? 

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if I do - I'll ask. Thank you in advance for helping out! 

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1. no, it's just salt if you see someone complain. (even I have the salt sometimes)

2. summoner, cause it changes 1v1 to 2v1.

3. it depends how well you know the opposite class, but the real strategy play starts at Gold I would say. 1670-1700.

4. Check youtube for guides NA/EU Dia LBD are there.

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Good points by RavTH!


Though, I think the OP meant what class is the more challenging to play. If that's the case, BM is the hardest to play because of the two stances and Chi management (but strong and it will become even stronger) and Warlock is the hardest to rank up with because it's a bit weaker (but rather easy to play). KFM and FM are also pretty hard to play and all all around good classes in pvp. 

All the other classes are balanced too but easier to play by a good level.


P.S. I'm leveling a Soul Fighter right now and tried a few Arena matches; this class is maybe the most fun I've had with this game so far but seems insanely hard to master.

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