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Nice Loot Table NCSW


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Good job with putting Siren emblems and Pirate emblems in the loot table as this should help with the road block that is the old 24 mans. Not being sarcastic at all, really nice job. 


Level 50 players running level 45 content to get upgrade parts for level 36 accessories is not any fun at all. While you guys are smoothing out this needlessly congested gear area, do not forget warrior tokens and the rng that is enlightened accessories. I would love for either the vendor cost to be reduced from 200 > 50 warrior tokens or for these accessories to be made able to trade or auction. Needing to run old content is fine, but needing to live there is another issue. My fm took forever to get a enlightened ring drop and as the tokens are needed for upgrade as well they are also at a premium. 


Again, I was very happy to see those emblems in the shroom dungeon as it will help new players and my alts if I ever decided to play them !


Good Job !

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I actually thought of them as like a quick fix for people wanting to upgrade siren/pirate weapons, before the path gets removed in june, which is great. I just hope there will be some new things to actually spend them on after also, since now Im sitting on 130 sirens and nothing to use them for :D

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