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Crimson War Tent probem in Misty Woods


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I serioulsy don't know how it's possible but Ceruleans can reach all way up to Crimson Legion spawn spot in misty woods.

I get it that "if you wear faction uniform you can be killed" but that one spot should be covered SOMEHOW and to be honest i feel like the Crimson's tree is closes to the cliff than Ceruleans.

Even tho it doesn't matter because someone WALL RAN INTO OUR SPAWN SPOT AND ASSASINATED ME!


I have tweeted about that problem more than once and no one had answered anything and atm it feels like developers don't give shit about it but that the assassin was able to wall run has to be bug or something. 

First the problems started abit after warlock when people figured that warlock can reach all way up there.


I REALLLY hope this thing gets fixed bc there is no point of even trying to do faction dailies there which means that it takes ages to get geared up.....



Here is the tweets i send today: twitter

Server: NA, Poharan

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Pretty much exchange "crimson" with "cerulean" and you'll have the exact same situation in Iksanun server.

All the crimson people in Iksanun can go f*ck themselves, that is all.


"Open world PvP" if it can even be called that, is a complete pile of sh*t in this game. I have never seen another MMO with this amount of imbalance in open world PvP. In every other game I've played:


- You CANNOT use healing items while in combat, Wtf is the point if you can heal to full HP in 5 sec? Then it's a battle of "whoever has more $$ to spend on pots"

- You get a PENALTY if you PK players X levels lower than you, for those f*ckers who camp around to PK lower level players because they're Arena mode rejects who are incompetent in actually fair fights

- You risk losing equipment if you enable PvP mode

- You can actually turn on/off PvP mode

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On 07.05.2016 at 11:24 PM, Melodia said:


let take it clear:

open wolrd pvp - it`s not about fair fights, it`s about trap, gank,blob and other stuff.

wanna fair - go to 1v1 arena and hope u don`t go vs scummoners


If you want pvp with loot and full drop - go to another games, like EVE and tons of other games.

healing items - not big problem - cause 30-60 sec cd and u can`t heal to full hp (only dat cheaters FM, who can somehow uses their frost armor every 10 sec and heal full hp)

penalty for killing low lvl? why? they engage me 1st and i still can`t kill they? nah - dress in uniform = ready to die - no other options.

don`t want pvp - don`t use outfit - simple. And i tell you more - grind some 50lvl heroic for frozen stingers with friends can give u much more profit, and you can just buy this shitty soulstones.


But problem with killing at spawning zone still exist >_<

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On May 10, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Etherius said:

let take it clear:

open wolrd pvp - it`s not about fair fights, it`s about trap, gank,blob and other stuff.

wanna fair - go to 1v1 arena and hope u don`t go vs scummoners


If you want pvp with loot and full drop - go to another games, like EVE and tons of other games.

healing items - not big problem - cause 30-60 sec cd and u can`t heal to full hp (only dat cheaters FM, who can somehow uses their frost armor every 10 sec and heal full hp)

penalty for killing low lvl? why? they engage me 1st and i still can`t kill they? nah - dress in uniform = ready to die - no other options.

don`t want pvp - don`t use outfit - simple. And i tell you more - grind some 50lvl heroic for frozen stingers with friends can give u much more profit, and you can just buy this shitty soulstones.


But problem with killing at spawning zone still exist >_<

The point is that pve gearing shouldn't be so much dependend on pvp. Lvl 45-50 dungeons should drop more soulstones just to help PVE people to gear up. And i know that those people has used hacks or something bc i tried to wall run up to that tree and dropped in middle of the tree.


In my opiniom pve and pvp should me more separed than they are right now. Pretty much my only problem in this game :/

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On May 7, 2016 at 11:24 PM, Melodia said:

Pretty much exchange "crimson" with "cerulean" and you'll have the exact same situation in Iksanun server.

All the crimson people in Iksanun can go f*ck themselves, that is all.


"Open world PvP" if it can even be called that, is a complete pile of sh*t in this game. I have never seen another MMO with this amount of imbalance in open world PvP. In every other game I've played:


- You CANNOT use healing items while in combat, Wtf is the point if you can heal to full HP in 5 sec? Then it's a battle of "whoever has more $$ to spend on pots"

- You get a PENALTY if you PK players X levels lower than you, for those f*ckers who camp around to PK lower level players because they're Arena mode rejects who are incompetent in actually fair fights

- You risk losing equipment if you enable PvP mode

- You can actually turn on/off PvP mode

I know and my point was that either they make it impossible to get there. Crimsons wouldn't be able to go up to ceruleans and other way around too.


OR that they would make pvp less needed so 50% of players wouldn't get stuck in lvl 45 gears bc soulstones are so damn expensive and you need them for everything. All tho the reason why ss is so expensive is bc only way to get it is pvp, faction dailies or arena duel :/

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On 13.05.2016 at 10:26 PM, Maddoll said:

The point is that pve gearing shouldn't be so much dependend on pvp. Lvl 45-50 dungeons should drop more soulstones just to help PVE people to gear up. And i know that those people has used hacks or something bc i tried to wall run up to that tree and dropped in middle of the tree.


In my opiniom pve and pvp should me more separed than they are right now. Pretty much my only problem in this game :/

45 blue run. can solo. can duo - 5-6 mins - 2 moonwater tears (if ongong) and 2mwt + possible rec. if twin lords. Run 3 times with 3 ppl - 2.5g to each in +- 15-20 min. 2,5g=6-7SS. Sad but BnS is about grindddddddd!

And btw - on 50 lvl - u can run 50lvl heroic for bunch of Frozen Stingers - 2.5g for each. 

if only u can use your brain. some time and Calculator/exel - you alrdy would make some 1g in hour w/o doing anything.

But true - pvp-quests for evolving mats are ... hm... cancer one.


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