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Asura players knockdown styles


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Stop knockdown first bosses in Asura! Omg all know that after jump u must to kd him but you can't understand why it jump?


Knockdown== jump== pull==wasting time especially if tank dont know-how to avoid the pull.


Please really, stop knockdowing in Asura, stop! Is it too hard to understand? 

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Unless you want to deal like 0 dmg to the bosses when they stack 4+, go ahead, skip the KD


you can KD, wait for the bosses to jump over, then AoE iFrame the grab for both tanks, OR, simply stun them when they come over.
Very easy, very simple. the KD part is essential to the boss

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6 hours ago, Yunim said:

Unless you want to deal like 0 dmg to the bosses when they stack 4+, go ahead, skip the KD


you can KD, wait for the bosses to jump over, then AoE iFrame the grab for both tanks, OR, simply stun them when they come over.
Very easy, very simple. the KD part is essential to the boss

OR alternatively you can all start on silver side, dps him down, then switch to gold. If your group knows what they are doing (hell 40% of all f8 teams I get in do this with no communication) split the fatties just far enough apart so you can get both buffs while they don't stack the buffs on each other. In a group of 500-520 average ap you should be able to kill both before they get their shell at 3 stacks. And even if they do get eachother's buffs its not that big of a deal at all. I join random people's groups and the first boss isn't the issue, its usually ikaruga because people don't want to lower their dps by switching their build to stun/knockdown as they are selfish.


Even if your dps is lacking you still don't need knockdowns at all. Just switch to the other one when the first gets the shell. You lose at most 30 or so seconds of dps if you don't delay gold's AoE while you wait for the shell to wear off. Its not that hard to work around the knockdown/stun mechanic if you pay attention to the duration of their buffs and yours.

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