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Bloodshade Harbor - Scarlet Widow Mask


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Made a ticket and they told me to post here...


Did the droprates for costumes in BSC/BSH/Lab get lowered since the 4/6-man merge? I just got my 100 kill Hae Mujin achievement trying to farm for the mask off the twins.


I've seen 3 blindfolds, 10+ tickets, but never the mask or hair. Does this item still even exist? 100+ runs and not seeing it still is pretty insane.

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Yep it still drops. 2 days ago the hair drops from Cobalt Widow first run i passed the bid to people that wants it and the outfit from Hae Mujin's drop when i was doing dailies in BSH same goes for the mask that dropped for me first run weeks ago with the guild mate
I guess the drop rate is low still. Its a rare and rngeesus luck drop.

**dont mind my crap ass gears LOL im lazy to upgrade for now xD


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Well, good to know it still drops.


Just can't believe going on this many runs and I haven't seen it... A lot of my clan can't believe it either. So many people got it in <50 runs.

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