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Ncsoft what are you doing? now there are also summoners with perma sun flower and anti cc...

i am an summoner myself but can t beat him... so i surrendered...


1 thing is the afk bot.. but this is an HACKER... they will DESTROY the game if will multiplicate as many other games i've seen.

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As far as I know, these arent complete hackers, but just more complicated bots. So far I didnt face a single one of them in Plat, even tho I went up and down the Plat ladder 2 times and I am currently just about to hit diamond. I know this is an issue and it has already been adressed often times. You should stay patient until NCsoft fixes the problems, which they will most likely take forever for. There is a way to beat those, but you have to search for it, it definitely isnt impossible as far as I know...


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These guys are very easy to beat if you know how. Just run far and come in with CC to blow their tab and CC again and pile on dmg until they die. They are just using a script that is active when they are close to you.

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I tried.. but they are anti cc...

Just after the sunflower skill they will go invisible.. then again sunflower then invisible D:°...


*Ra9equit, how can a summoner with PERMA SUNFLOWER not being an hack ._____.°... i registered this with wechat.. but i don't know how to post it here.. my clanmates told me that he is an hacker not a bot.

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12 hours ago, Reyax said:

These guys are very easy to beat if you know how. Just run far and come in with CC to blow their tab and CC again and pile on dmg until they die. They are just using a script that is active when they are close to you.

these type of hack are editable 23 lwl rank 1 eu summoner was literally immortal

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